Australia Bureau of Meteorology radar again erupts into a 'Firework Display'. Woomera may have given us the answer. April 30, 2010 By Colin Andrews
April 29, 2010 - South West Australia
April 30, 2010 - North East Australia
April 28, 2010 - Broome, North West Australia.
For those following the research into unexplained patterns appearing on the Australia Bureau of
Meteorology radar system since January 15th 2010 will know that after weeks of in depth
investigation and asking the Bureau for explanations, they conceded that these where the result of
'Unknown Interferences'.
During the weeks that followed we witnessed sudden and dramatic changes in the weather over
the continent and even a substantial Earthquake on the exact spot this all began. Then as the
weather quieted down, so did the mystery radar patterns until this week when BoM experienced a
new 'Firework' show.
Three of the four corners of Australia have been witness to radar patterns only seen by
experienced radar experts since January. Is this new series of designs precursors to another shift
in the weather systems over Australia or more seismic activity?
Latest: As I was posting this page, I received an urgent email from Jon in Australia to say that a
blue design not seen before had just appeared at Ceduna, South Australia (4). The two frames
that captured this image appear to be rotating clockwise. Ceduna is to the South West of
Woomera, the US-Australian space facility..............
Table of contents and easy access to this research project
January 15, 2010: This is very strange weather happening here.
January 21, 2010: The Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology and the public response to this article.
January 22, 2010: What now? Seen on radar by thousands today over Australia. What is going on?
January 22, 2010: H.A.A.R.P. in Australia plus updates.
January 27, 2010: This dramatic spiral burst known to 'Insiders' as The Ring of Fire Fault was observed on
national radar over Melbourne Australia today - but then what? Is this the H.A.A.R.P.
smoking gun?
January 29, 2010: Two new bursts over the north west of Australia as the H.A.A.R.P. Melbourne Low Pressure
system heads towards Cyclone Olga - watch this low.
January 29, 2010: NASA comment about the unusual persistence of storm Olga.
February 1, 2010: An unplanned case study into strange weather over Australia. Out of a single radar ring
report, came a persistent cyclone Olga and a weather busting seventeen days. I just
happened to monitor it all unfold. Was it the perfect cup of tea by HAARP?
February 1, 2010: The well known 'no messing' former United States Governor Jesse Ventura investigates
February 4, 2010:" Houston we have a problem" - H.A.A.R.P. or not the Australian National Weather radar
network goes into meltdown after the strangest 18 days on record. Official statement admits
they have an "Unexpected problem". It begins to look like more than cyclone Olga was
being controlled.
February 4, 2010: A reply from the Australia Government's Bureau of Meteorology.
February 9, 2010: The Australian Government begins an investigation into mysterious radar images.
February 9, 2010: Official reply from the Bureau.
February 9, 2010: When the drought-ending rains came to Australia what was in the water that fell?
February 9, 2010: Striking comparisons between the real crop circle spirals and the radar patterns. Also UFOs
witnessed at the site of both phenomenon.
February 19, 2010: It all started here, but since then, there have been many strange symbols, tropical storm
Olga and two human made weather systems, this is the map. Now is someone going to
explain what is going on over Australia?
February 19, 2010: Melbourne at the center of something strange from above or below - HAARP?
February 23, 2010: A report of happenings today.
February 23, 2010: 'Cloud Ripples' as seen on Australian radar, appear mysteriously during NASA mission
launch at Cape Canaveral.
February 25, 2010: UFO? captured on Australian weather radar off Sydney shore today-new pattern appears
March 4, 2010 : Thomas Bearden and the radar/weather patterns over Australia.
March 4, 2010 : Looking for answers the Shaman way with dowsing.
March 4, 2010 : Looking for answers from inner intuitive - Secret Weather Control by American Military.
March 10, 2010 : What turned a 1,000 year super drought into a 100 year super storm over Melbourne?
March 10, 2010 : Dr. Bruce Maccabee comments on the radar images.
March 15, 2010 : Another cyclone ( Ului) approaches Australia and a second series of mysterious
interferences on the national radar system.
March 25, 2010 :Shocking symbols, Super storms and UFOs over Australia - This madness keeps coming.
March 29, 2010 : Cyclone Paul hits north coast of Australia and just as before a new series of mysterious
rings explode over the national radar system. N.A.T.O. report is smoking gun.
April 5, 2010 : Toyota and BoM on the same radar screen. N.A.S.A. to join search for unknown
April 8, 2010 ; Coffs Harbour and also after three months, conclusions.
The first pattern of this kind consisting of a series of coloured spots forming a circular area was
first seen on March 19th, 2010 over Sydney (5). This same pattern showed up over Broome, on
the North West coast on April 28th (3) followed by different manifestations in the South West on
April 29th (1) and the North East a day later (2). All images Copyright: Australia Bureau of Meteorology.
Images captured by Bev & Jon - many thanks.
May 1, 2010 - Ceduna, South Australia
We wait now to see if a repeat sequence occurs ending with weather changes or seismic activity
- watching................
During today the radar facility located at Ceduna, South Australia and Townsville in the North East
have continued to display radar geometries (6). How ever a curious detail has been noted
surrounding the NASA/UK/Australia space tracking station at Woomera. Now that the radar
histogram as well as radar data has been studied one can see that at the exact moment the radar
at Ceduna produces an interference signal and hence the blue geometry, stationary cloud cover
over Woomera (as seen by its own radar) is drastically reduced. Until full technical and scientific
explanations are given for these on going events, my inclination is to believe what we observing
are weather modification experiments. Perhaps they have passed the experimental stage and are
employed as a function of a national or International agreement (NATO Report by Task Group
IST-051, Jan 2009)
Is this the evidence we have been looking for?
The radar loop from Ceduna showing stationary cloud and its dramatic reduction at Woomera:
UPDATED May 1, 2010 1.30 pm/1330 hrs US Eastern
Radar detected cloud cover of Woomera halved when Ceduna 'Wheel' appeared By Colin Andrews
Saturday 1 May 2010 - Above is the moment the (radar detected) cloud cover over
Woomera halved at the same time a radar ring appeared at Ceduna.
Ceduna is a very small town but surprisingly has a
tarmac runway. What appears to be a radar top right of
photo. Copyright: Google Earth.
Woomera is a key NASA/UK/Australia space tracking facility and
has numerous possible sources for radar interference. Above is
one cluster.
Ceduna on the coast and Woomera in the outback to the north east.
Bottom left is Ceduna and showing cloud cover over Woomera before the wheel appeared.
You can see the time line and energy intensity histogram top right. Copyright: Australia Bureau
of Meteorology.
Cloud cover stretched from Leigh Creek almost to Mahanewo and envelopes Woomera. Watch in
the next sequence at the moment the wheel appears at Ceduna.
The vertical line on the histogram top right shows the moment the ring appears and the energy
intensity increases. At that moment the blue ring appears centered upon Ceduna and the radar
indicated cloud cover immediately shrinks to a small cluster just to the north west of Woomera.
Weather Modification or HAARP ? or other as yet unknown?
Do these three images show what we have been looking for - The cause of the Australia Radar Mystery is weather modification ?
Select image above to view the loop (while it exists)
April 28, 2010: Broome multi-coloured circle on radar (#3)
April 29, 2010: Radar Ring South West Australia (#1)
April 30, 2010: Radar radial lines from Townsville in the North East (#2)
April 30, 2010: 2.6 mag second earthquake hits Goldtown in West Australia - where radar rings began
May 1, 2010 : radar wheel first and second time within hours from Caduna in South West (#4)
May 1, 2010 : Forecast of snow showers in South East.
April 30: The second Earthquake Strikes the place radar rings began. HERE
May 1: Snow in forecast for the South East. HERE
A similar study by Thomas Bearden in the United States during 2001-2
Tom reminded me of these studies a few weeks ago when we exchanged information about my work on the
Australian radar images. His website shows that when weather concerns intruded within the vicinity of missile
tests off the South West coast of the United States in 2002 and also a powerful front approached the NASA
Huntsville facility the year before, these same radar patterns appeared.
Is sensitive work currently being undertaken at Woomera concerned with cloud cover?
Radar ring Florida ahead of weather concerns. My thanks to Thomas Bearden.
Radar spokes from US west coast ahead
of missile tests. Thanks to Thomas
Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden (retd) His comments about my research into the radar patterns in Australia: HERE
The log following the new outbreak.
Ceduna wheel appeared twice on May 1, 2010.