Select HERE to see Crop Circles for Good |
Sputnik Observatory for the study of contemporary culture Extraordinary Minds Shaping Modern Thought. I am honored to have been invited to be part of this project. Conversations include topics on crop circles. For example: Evolution and ratios / Certain crop geometries rotational aspects related to the Earths magnetic field / Crop circles, Dowsing and Gaia and others..... HERE |
The World Genesis Foundation - United Nations, Ambassador for Youth COLIN ANDREWS Presentation to the children in Romania August 2010. |
Presentation: World Genesis. NOTE of clarification: My reference to the 'Solar System' crop circle in which I speak to the date 2033 and the Katun. The date shown by the position of the crop circle depicting the Solar System is September 1st 2033. This alignment represents the end of the first Katun of the new Golden Age, also known as the Fifth Age. The first Katun of the fifth age begins in 2013 and ends in 2033. |
Colin Andrews and Dr. Synthia Andrews present Crop Circles, Consciousness and the Akashic Record with 500 international students, guests and teachers at a youth academy operated by the World Genesis Foundation under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Romania. |
Filmed and directed by Brendon Stuart: |
2010 - After Thirty Long Years, Suddenly The Crop Circles Have Reverted To The July 12, 2010 In 1980 fields around the ancient iron age hill fort known as Cley Hill, in Wiltshire England began to see simple single crop circles. The town of Warminster within sight of these fields was already known as the UFO Capital of the world for good reason. Today an amazing and much more elaborate crop circle has arrived where thirty years ago the modern day mystery began. Colin Andrews, Pat Delgado, Busty Taylor and Dr. Terence Meaden walked these fields researching the mystery at its inception. It was just a few miles away at Bratton Castle that Andrews ran the famous surveillance Operation Blackbird, designed to film a crop circle forming. The crop circles disappeared not long after that 1990 operation but it looks like they are back with an incredible 3D design. In the adjacent county of Hampshire to the east and south of Colin and Busty Taylor's home town of Andover, another amazing crop circle has been discovered. Again in the fields where the first research team used to regularly be found responding to farmers mysterious discoveries. Other crop circles have also been reported in fields where they have not been seen for 20 to 30 years. The most prolific area for many years has been near Silbury Hill and Avebury where thousands have travelled from distant lands to visit the circles, almost guaranteed to be found in great numbers - suddenly the fields lay mainly devoid of the artistry. Colin is flying to England in a few days to take a closer look at the situation and to visit these new comers. He will also join Dr. Simeon Hein and Welsh Researcher Phil Hoyle along with several farmers who have seen strange lights in their fields and then found cattle mysteriously mutilated in ways seen in a number of other hot spots around the world. Latest crop circles select header above. For those who might at this late stage wish to join Colin and Dr. Simeon Heins, a few places are still available. HERE |
The Video Posted on Facebook - View and Join the discussion. Select logo above. HERE |
The Official British Government's Untrue Statement on Crop Circles Corrected. The Evidence as Presented by Colin Andrews in the presence of Nick Pope, the Official who wrote it - Washington D.C. 2009 |
NICK POPE X-Conference 2009 |
May 3, 2009 B.B.C. Colin with Nick Pope. |
Listen to BBC Radio Interview some days after the above presentation, when Andrews was unexpectedly ask to go on air to join the interview with Pope. |
E-mail Dec 15, 2010 We should be responding HERE |
Comments posted on UFO TV after they posted the presentation a few hours ago (Dec 16th, 2010) . I am honored and grateful - Below |
Jan 2011 Scientist says crop circles could be made by ETs. HERE |
Two New Crop Circle Books That Are Different. Select Images to read special article by the author David Wisbey |
The new DVD “Conscious Circles” is about my research findings and the two amazing discoveries that presented themselves only a short while ago and after 30 years investigation, i.e.: A specific message and geometry of importance to this moment. "Conscious Circles" will be widely available any day now at Create Space and Amazon – Select jacket below to view the trailer and/or place your order. |
Nuclear Concerns By John Scott Posted April 3, 2011 Also on the same theme: Six crop circles from July 2010 showing Nuclear Energy or Bio-Hazard Themes By Scientist Red Collie (thanks to The Crop Circle Connector. HERE |
Andrews Catalogue of Crop Circle Designs and the 'Searl Solution to Pollution' (and more)? By Colin Andrews April 21, 2011 |
John Searl System - Solution to Pollution and more? |
The largest assemblage of original aerial film in the public domain is shown in Quest for Truth - All Copyright: Colin Andrews. |
Linda Moulton Howe's repeating pattern. |
Linda Moulton-Howe: Copyright: Colin Andrews |
George Wingfield. Copyright: Colin Andrews |
Crop Circles - The Final Phase and The Truth. Who or What Is Behind The Intelligence of Interaction? - Filmmakers Scrap as the Myth Makers are Exposed but What Comes Next? |
By Colin Andrews May 20, 2011 |
Colin Andrews Crop Circle Research Continued HERE |
Terje Toftenes with his EBE award 2011 |
Claudio Dall'Aglio Galileo - CUN (Italian National Ufo Center) Parma - Italy |
The First of Its Kind Interview Between Researcher Colin Andrews and Circlemaker Matthew Williams. Wed June 15, 2011 - Live Small Group In The Early 1990s" - "Its Irresponsible For Those Who Deliberately Present Just One Side of The Story and Cultivate A Myth When Native Peoples And Others Make Life Changing Decisions Based Upon What These People Say Is Real - Its Worse Than That, Some Researchers Claim The Circles Heal Specific Illnesses With No Proof. There Is No Need To Invent A Mystery When Ive Seen Since The 80s That A Tremendous Interactive Process Is At Work, Now Admitted By The People Who Make Circles". Military and Police Photos of The Circles Are Shown and Discussed For The First Time and Former Head Of The MoD UFO Project Is Taken To Task. Matthew Williams Reveals The Patterns He Made. A No Messing Program. |
Public Outraged by Claim That Crop Circles Heal Parkinsons by Croppie Researcher Lucy Pringle Posted July 8, 2011 |
Full report HERE =================================== |
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire | 29th July 1996 Copyright: Colin Andrews |
COLIN'S COMMENT: With respect, this is about as ludicrous an idea as rutting deer and mating hedgehogs to explain crop circles. How do these guys think the lateral force is created over such large areas to bend millions of plants using a microwave transmitter?. There just has to be something going on behind the scenes for a man like Michio to stick his neck out like this. I smell a rat and for sure I just got to see the way this plays out. Experiments are going to take place near Stonehenge soon. Please do have a fire extinguisher or two handy and put on your lead vests. Oh, and don't forget the generator and thousand feet long extension cords for each team member! Fact: When microwaves are applied to growing plants at the critical amplitude that causes the plants to collapse, they drop down in random directions and they die. We did these experiments many years ago and discounted such a notion. ........................ That is not to say microwaves are not involved at the subtle levels. Dowsing is known to detect minute levels of microwaves and it is also thought that plant communications take place using this energy. Its simply a none starter though to believe people are pushing down huge designs at night holding such devices. |
<<< Colin's Comments in left hand column |
The Heck Hypothesis: Crop Circles Unveiled [Hardback & Paperback] Kenneth M. Heck (Author) Thousands of crop circles have been discovered and recorded in this generation, but no interpretative key has been available until now. About the Author; Kenneth M. Heck graduating from Drake University in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He later became a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 1968. Download your free pdf HERE |
Crop Circle Cartoons |
On the Fourth Attempt, National Geographic Come Within A Hairs Breath of Getting it - Almost! The Truth Behind Crop Circles |
Crop Circles & 2012 Short TV interview with Colin at the University of Toronto, Oct 2011 HERE |
Colin Andrews Presentation at The United Nations, World Genesis Foundation, Ambassador for Youth Program: For The Children of Romania Video Part2 : See Part 1 and the program below. |
The Future Beyond 2012 |
The Conscious Crop Circles, & How To Embody The Changing World into our Consciousness. - Attend personally or by Webinar the first of its kind workshop weekend in New York State - April 28-29, 2012 HERE |
SPINNING THE CROP CIRCLES CA: Another version of spinning the crop circles. This is similar to work carried out by Doug Ruby some years ago and written about in his book The Gift. =============================================== Hello Mr. Andrews, I listened to your show with George Noory this week (Dec 12-13) and the subject of spinning crop circles came up. I have made a HD video with very accurate reconstructed crop circle pictograms spinning at different speeds. See link below. In the past there have definitely been circles that depict "ufo" propulsion systems. There is one in the beginning part of this video . Do to an old computer and trial version software this is the best I could do for know and this particular circle isn't in the spinning part. Very interesting optical effects do take place but in how far it has an effect on the brain is guesswork for me. I hope you like it and keep up the good work. =) For beautiful crop circle art go HERE |
Circular Evidence - The Movie Under Development. |
Many will be familar with the work into cymatics by Hans Jenny. |
Pattern Created by Sound Frequencies CYMATICS |
From the Andrews Archives CROP CIRCLES |
Cymatic Imagery of Sacred Chants Recorded Inside the Great Pyramid Resemble Crop Circles. Colin Andrews - Posted January 17, 2012. |
Colin's Presentation at The Gateway to Your Future Conference at University Toronto, Canada In loving memory of Jose Arguelles. (Colin introduced 10 mins in) |
WATCH - personal thanks to Sheena Singh |
Drunvalo Melchizedek says that the crop circles have been decoded by Russian Scientists and the Russian Government backs them up in their findings. Posted April 10, 2012 The scientists, under cosmonaut Marina Popovitch says that the circles speak of seven huge disasters that will strike Earth and that the first will be a large solar flare. CA Comment: Caution I know Drunvalo and also Marina Popovitch and have had contact with the Russian team of scientists Drunvalo refers to in this video. I also have studied the crop circles for three decades and suggest caution with these alleged findings. I believe there are problems with this work and strongly suggest great discernment. Im sure that all the parties concerned mean well and are sincere. |
Watch the interview HERE |
"Crop Circle Research Was Hijacked For Profit By A Small Group In The Early 1990s. Its Irresponsible For Those Who Deliberately Present Just One Side of The Story and Cultivate A Myth, When Native Peoples And Others Make Life Changing Decisions Based Upon What These People Say Is Real. Its Worse Than That, Some Researchers Claim The Circles Heal Specific Illnesses With No Proof. There Is No Need To Invent A Mystery When Ive Seen Since The 80s That A Tremendous Interactive Process Is At Work and Now Admitted By The People Who Make Circles". Colin Andrews on Circlemakers TV, June 15, 2011 Read on below: |
Some Interesting Key Data All photos and graphics are the copyright of Colin Andrews unless otherwise stated. This material was used to demonstrate some of the points made by Colin during his interview with Matthew Williams on Circlemakers TV - June 15, 2011. The show can be seen on this page. SECTION 1 What Crop Circles Were When I First Coined The Term HERE ============= SECTION 2 Swirl Details Which Did Not Conform With Stomper Board Claims. HERE ============= SECTION 3 Unexplained Objects Removed - Update soon. ============= SECTION 4 Interactive / Intuitive Events HERE ============= SECTION 5 The Hoaxing Assessment in 1999 & 2000 HERE ============= SECTION 6 Government, Royalty and Crop Circles HERE ============= SECTION 7 Latest Books & DVD HERE |
Dutch Medium Robbert van den Broeke Claims That Images Appeared on his Camera of Three Deceased Crop Circle Researchers and One of the Original Human Circlemakers - These Claims Among The Many Others, Including Messages Has the Attention of Colin Andrews and Experts Working With Him - Two of the Families Affected By These Claims Have Issued Public Statements and a Special Investigation is Being Undertaken. The Coverage of These Claims on website: are Here> 1 - 2 - 3 |
Posted July 4, 2013 As predicated by my research, the crop circle season in England is experiencing a sudden turning point. Just as in all other fields of human activity, as we face our own demons and embrace the truth surrounding the subject, it becomes obvious to the informed that this is indeed The Crossroads. 2013 crop circle update coming shortly. |
of interactions with a non human "One of the most important series higher mind, has taken place over the past three decades. Some might say an experiment by unknowns, to fine tune human interaction. We are truly on the edge of a new reality." Colin Andrews |
2013 Interview Favourites - To listen, select below Veritas - Third Phase of Moon - Hidden Experience - The Higherside Chats - The Paracast Many more interviews and media schedule |
The paradigm shift now taking place will not be stopped - These interviews and the new book 'On the Edge of Reality' reveal WHY - Some of the recent favourite interviews - select above |
Colin Andrews interview on Paracast on November 10, 2013 was quickly followed Matthew Williams on November 24, 2013. The interviews with these two men who have found themselves across two sides of the fence for many years, book ends the crop circle subject as its been known and marks the beginning of the most important phase - The truth and their shared understanding and experience that a higher mind is actively involved. Colin believes involved in ALL subjects and humans future. |
Two men who found themselves different sides of the crop circle subject but agree that an even more bizarre mystery exists. Posted December 4, 2013 |
Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group (WCCSG), the brain child of Francine Blake has closed its doors. Trustees of CAER Statement: Posted December 24, 2013 |
December 24, 2013 As the year closes out, as predicted, we have seen the end of the crop circle mystery as we knew it. With the mystery solved and a conclusion well beyond many to grasp, a strange silence has settled over the landscape of the subject. The new book 'On the Edge of Reality' presents a platform from where the new research and second phase of the subject, joins other subjects in the study of human consciousness. The man-made crop circles migrated to the sandy beaches and snowy mountains, unquestionable proof presented itself that Colin's findings in 2000 of the human involvement was correct. The Wiltshire Crop Circle Research Group (WCCRG) closed its doors and a natural transition has begun just as it has across the whole range of human activity. As truths separate from lies, the new horizon has appeared and our big moment for lasting change. This is part of a much bigger story unfolding. - Colin Andrews. Updates: crop circles 2013 and Research |
Re-posting Crop Circles in The Landscape |
Early Plant Analysis by Colin Andrews: |
Dr. Steven Greer interview with Colin Andrews on New World Puja Radio Network. January 27, 2012 |
Below is a Release From Black Projects Channel: 'Secret Circles' - BBC 1989 Featuring the early research of Colin Andrews, Pat Delgado, Dr. Terence Meaden and Busty Taylor. A famous classic which raised the interest in the subject. |
SELECT TO WATCH (Bottom of the page) |
Posted February 9, 2014 2000 - 2021 Three Cycles of Seven Years by Frank Hoogerbeets Select |
1989 production . UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE "On occasions they seem to locate themselves by request. . . . at 29:43: This is deeply profound but if we are dealing with something that is reacting with the psych of mankind, then we are looking at an intelligence that we simply do not understand......I believe we are looking at the interface between this dimension and another. There is very deep spiritual content here and the answer rests in nature." - Colin Andrews in the 1989 video Undeniable Evidence, the first video ever produced on the subject of crop circles, a term he coined. |
2015 Crop Circles: Select |
By which ever means this 2002 crop circle appeared, its message has been consistent with those received by a whole spectrum of unexplained phenomena - Colin Andrews. Below gifted by a devoted crop circle fan. (High Res) |
English Edition USA / UK / Australia / Canada |
Check out the circle illusion created by straight lines |
Crop Circles Research Since 1983 HERE |
Crop Circle Research Since 1983 HERE |
Dutch Medium Robbert van den Broeke |
Claims to have received messages from my deceased friends |
"Nancy Talbott and BLT got it wrong and they should just admit it and move on - that is the scientific approach" Colin Andrews |
BLT claimed to know real crop circles by William Levengood's analysis - My blind test proved this to be false. I certainly do not suggest there was deliberate mischief but I was able to prove (on film) that two features that appeared in England, which he claimed to be exceptional cases of real crop circle energy, was in fact made by BLT's own plant sampling team and the other was flattened by wind and rain (lodging) HERE Angry response from one of the original BLT samplers - Update HERE |
2015 Crop Circles: Select |
NEW DVD Watch the trailer in the Store page |
Colin inspecting flattened plants in the 1980s, which he coined 'Crop Circles'. |
Message from God? - An Excellent Research Presentation by Simon Miles (Australia) |
ANOTHER MIND IS WORKING WITH US A message Colin was invited to present (in English) to accompany the publication of 'On the Edge of Reality' in Romania. The Crop Circles and non ordinary reality is unwound and the crop circle subject has been reset for its full and final assessment beyond even the people making them - We are all involved at this fork in the road. Please select to listen: |
Watch Simon's presentation HERE |
Posted November 3, 2015 7 times that science explained aliens PBS By Nsikan Akpan and Joshua Barajas October 28, 2015 (CA: And 7 times arrogance and prewired mindset missed the truth) Even Doug Bower and Dave Chorley in this German interview held back a secret, i.e. that they knew something more than themselves was involved. Read full account in 'On the Edge of Reality'. PBS article: HERE ---------- Posted November 3, 2015 New Movie About Crop Circles. 'Cropped' is about a group of UFO enthusiasts who clash with their cynical crop circle tour guide. When night falls the group have to set their differences aside when the mystery of the crop circles is revealed. HERE |
Crop Circles, UFO's or you name it: The final question is the most scary one. I know a non human mind is playing with us but who or what is it? Dec 30, 2015 Select |
Relax, reflect and enjoy ANTHEM By Leonard Cohen "We asked for signs, signs were sent" |
The First Crop Circle of 2016 'Black Star' in Sand. David Bowie Passing Posting January 19, 2016 |
Artist Marc Treanor knew he had to pay tribute to his music idol, so he did it in the only way he knew how. He visited his favourite beach, Mwnt, near Cardigan in Ceredigion, and recreated Bowie's last album cover, Blackstar, in a sand circle. Full story. |
Crop Circles, UFOs and Missing Time. The mysterious American Phantom Car from Wiltshire, England to New York, USA. Told by Dan Aykroyd and Colin Andrews Posted April 7th, 2016 |
"My findings across several fields of research strongly support the view that humanity is being directed by another intelligence and rarely sees these interactions for what they are. Things are often not how they appear and even our thoughts and resultant actions are projections from that unknown mind, a mind akin to God. This is taking place on a daily basis inside all human activity. A master chess player has the board rigged and perhaps its just as well. Hidden in full view by directing highly illogical actions but leading to outcomes beyond our logical calculus" - Colin Andrews, Oct, 2009. HERE |
Chris H. Cooper |
'Why won’t Nano Man Chris H. Cooper reveal details of the crop circle he and six others saw form?’ By Colin Andrews - further research by David Haith |
Simple crop circle, 1987. Copyright: Colin Andrews |
Complex crop circle, 1995 Copyright Colin Andrews |
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Updated with transcript of this segment of Coast to Coast May 3, 2016 |
Psychic News 'Nano Man' claims. Conclusions HERE |
Its not just the crop circles experiment that has been subject of the mysterious chessplayer who has the board rigged . RIGGED BY THE MYSTERIOUS CHESS-PLAYER. Colin Andrews 2009. The term 'rigged' is getting a lot of political spin currently and Ive recently promised myself not to continue dialog on the low we have reached in that subject. I do feel though its very relevant to re-post my 2009 conclusions surrounding my studies of consciousness, UFOs and the people making and researching most of these ground markings BECAUSE its way deeper than just about everyone is thinking. Following is my 2009 public statement. Appropriate that today, seven years later, a key focus has been placed upon the same term 'rigged': CA 2009:"My findings across several fields of research strongly support the view that humanity is being directed by another intelligence and rarely sees these interactions for what they are. Things are often not how they appear and even our thoughts and resultant actions are projections from that unknown mind, a mind akin to God. This is taking place on a daily basis inside all human activity. A master chess player has the board rigged and perhaps its just as well. Hidden in full view by directing highly illogical actions but leading to outcomes beyond our logical calculus" - Colin Andrews, Oct, 2009. As posted on my Facebook page |
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After 33 plus years of investigation, for some the real unexplained phenomena remains and it’s not about how they are made or by whom - for me those questions The most significant real mystery of all are the ‘High Strangeness’ events which have constantly taken place around the crop circles and those making and researching them since the beginning. Bizarre experiences have taken place since the small original team started research in the late 70s – The first was photographed in 1979. The first research team reported many strange synchronicitys and feelings that something knew what they were doing or saying – A trickster kind of energy. Pat Delgado, Dr. Terence Meaden, Busty Taylor and myself all had experiences throughout. I have little doubt that this ‘interaction’ (discussed in detail in the last book ‘On The Edge of Reality’) will continue to happen where ever humans focus their attention while they are charged with the emotional energy brought about by a mystery. The Emotional spectrum generates an electro-chemical reaction in the life force of animals and humans and can be detected as well as sets up a bodily function response. More for another time in detail. A better understand of Emotions and their purpose: ‘The Path of Emotions’ : HERE Just as doctor’s surgeries have a certain ambient associated with them because of an emotion produced by anxiety or fear, so certain 'entities' interact with individuals whose attention is focused upon a mystery or the creation of a mystery. The human becomes responsive to another domain – call that ET or something akin to God. There is no denying the fact that these ‘interactions do exist and they are profound in the extreme. They are associated with an intelligent process of some kind - all be it often surrounding man made crop circles and UFOs. There is a lot in the theory that mankind must imagine first what it may later manifest. Hardened believers who believe beyond all the evidence that the crop circles are constructed by ETs, I believe know the truth privately – i.e. they are made by people BUT as I have said for the last two decades that is where the real mystery begins and not ends. While some people hold out for the ET explanation for actual manufacture, they appear to have deceived themselves as well as the public to the degree that they have missed completely the importance of the common denominator between crop circle artists and sincere truth seekers i.e.: Interactive phenomena by an unknown source has been woven into the crop circle fabric and life itself. Humans constructed the likes of Stonehenge, coincidentally at the center of crop circle activity, and many life changing experiences have happened to people who have gone to look at them. Very little difference to the crop circles made by talented artists which also produce life changing experiences. The bigger shock is that this unknown mind is involved with every aspect of the transitioning period we are experiencing today. The unbelievable nature of events happening around us hold potential for even more new and unrecognizable phenomena. Nothing is quite what it appears - seems a safe bet. This recent well researched new posting by Andy Pyrka speaks to the dilemma still for some involved with the struggle of accepting change when its not what we want or are equip for : HERE |
An Excellent in-depth Television Documentary filmed in 1990-1991 by Nippon from Japan and shown many times in that country. A great amount of my aerial footage and photographs - Much of it not seen before in the west. Exclusive footage they filmed of a UFO which interacted with the film-crew and myself early ours over crop circle fields at Alton Barnes, England. - Story on page 129 in my book: On the Edge of Reality. |
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" Air Traffic Control confirmed 'live' that only two aircraft were in UK airspace. They asked pilots to remove all inside and outside lights off for 20 seconds - The UFO remained and continued to flash back to us." |
The UFO appeared in the sky at the same location we had seen them before but this time we had a TV crew with us and captured it on film - One of Andrews interactive UFO experiences with Dr. Steven Greer also took place here. |