Received today from David Cayton in U.K.
Sent: 25 March 2009 18:33:56
The Sad News of Tony Dodd's Passing
Hello All,
This morning, 25th. March, I received the not unexpected dreaded telephone
call from Tony's wife, Pauline, to tell me the sad news of Tony's peaceful
passing just about midnight yesterday. He had been looked after at home by
Pauline and family coupled with professional nursing care, since last August
when he was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour.
For those wishing to know of the funeral arrangements, it will take place next
Tuesday, the 31st. of March at 12.45 at the Parish Church of Linton which is
close by Grassington, Nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire.
Pauline and the family request no flowers please but instead donations to
either, Brain Cancer Research or the RSPCA in Tony's memory. Pauline tells
me he was very fond of his animals.
I am so sorry to notify such sad news. I was one of Tony's Quest International
UFO Investigators for some years from 1993. Over very many years, TONY
had made a great contribution to the whole UFO business with his own
investigations, magazine articles and most of all, his popular lectures and talks
on Conference and meeting platforms all over the world.
He was so well liked and respected by everybody for his patience and humility
and willingness to talk at length to anybody on UFO topics. He doggedly stuck
to finding and reporting the truth of the reality of extraterrestrial presence,
even at the expense of seriously damaging his police career prospects!
Over the past years we have shared many private phone chats, pondering the
meaning of it all and debating the various risks and rights and wrongs of
''blowing the lid off'' aspects of the UFO business!!!!
Certain mind blowing dreadful evidence, that he knew the authorities were
desperate to 'keep the lid on', had come his way from particular official
sources, had concerned him ,but Tony's loyalty to his Country and the certain
'Authorities' prevailed! ''Blowing the lid off' was a favourite line of Tony's which
we chuckled about many a time! He and Pauline had put up with threats from
the Authorities from time to time, mainly in the USA, but he carried on doing
what he was meant to do, exercising constraint and responsibility!
Perhaps 25 years of exemplary service with the rank of sergeant in the West &
North Yorkshire Police Forces had something to do with his loyal attitude?!
The content and title of his marvellous book, ''ALIEN INVESTIGATOR--The
case Files of Britain's Leading UFO Detective''published in 1999, perhaps says
it all about Tony as a person and a wonderful friend we have lost. I for one, as
my past mentor, will miss him greatly.
For those on my circulation list above, please pass on this sad news to others
who you think would appreciate knowing of Tony's passing.
David Cayton.
The Dodd family address is: 18 Hardy Meadows, Grassington, Nr. Skipton, N.
Yorkshire, BD23 5LR. EMAIL:
1978 Tony was one of two police officers who witnessed a
UFO at close quarters. Here is his story thanks to:
Source: Michael Hesemann
The incident occurred on the frosty winter morning of December 12, 1978, not
far from Skipton in North Yorkshire. At 4:30 a.m., a lonely police patrol car was
driving on a remote country road along the Cononley Moor. In the car were
Sgt. Anthony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale, who operated the radio. It was
very dark and the road was lit only by the headlights of the car, the silence
broken only by the noise of the motor and the occasional messages over the
radio. Dodd loved that kind of mysterious stillness in the middle of a bare and
unspoiled countryside, with dark houses snuggling up against the low hills as if
seeking shelter from the cold winds, and the stone walls that divided the
meadows from time immemorial.
It was the land of sagas and legends, of witches and elves, spirits and
wills-o'-the-wisp, which lured unfortunate wanderers in the moor towards
inescapable death. There was a magic in the air which, even thousands of
years ago, the ancestors of the Celts must have been aware of, as is shown oy
the mighty sacrificial altar stones in the middle of the moor.
Suddenly, a loud static noise, hissing and rustling, tore Sgt. Dodd out of his
reverie. They were just then driving into a curve when, to the right, a bright
white light seemed to be diving towards them in a glide. They thought it was a
burning airplane so they drove to the side and stopped the car to see what
was happening and where it would land, in case help was required. It was,
however, no airplane but a big shining disc which flew over their heads at a
speed of about 40 mph. At its closest, it was hardly 100 feet away from them,
so that they could see a number of details.
When I interviewed Dodd in 1991 for my documentary film UFOs: The Secret
Evidence, he explained, "It had a dome with ports all around it. The bottom was
surrounded by colored lights like neon lights in blue, red, green and white
which blinked in a sequence as if they were rotating, and in the middle there
were three spheres or hemispheres. It was a huge thing, about 100 feet in
diameter, and it made no noise whatsoever. What fascinated me even more
was that the object was enveloped in a kind of halo which made its entire
metallic structure glow white. It flew slowly over our heads and seemed to land
at a place behind a group of trees. But we couldn 't see or check that out
because at that point it was too far away and in the middle of the moor." "What
on Earth was that?" asked Constable Dale breaking the silence, brought back
to reality by the penetrating cold. Sgt. Dodd's answer came minutes after that.
"/ don't know, but it was wonderful. "
From that day onwards Dodd started collecting all the information about UFOs
that he could get, including, of course, the book "Flying Saucers Have Landed"
by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski. His personal encounter with a
saucer that resembled Adamski's saucer like a twin had convinced Dodd that
Adamski must indeed have had an encounter with a UFO. Since retiring in
1988, Dodd has dedicated himself fully to his "cosmic hobby" as he calls it, and
is today one of Britain's leading UFO researchers.
Adamski was the first person to have spoken about contact with aliens who
resembled human beings. After him many others reported such encounters.
With Adamski, the age of the contactees had begun.
Biography of Sgt. Tony Dodd, one of the two police officers who were
involved in the encounter:
A Police Officer for 25 years. Tony had his first close encounter with UFO in
1978 while serving officer. Had many subsequent encounters over North
Yorkshire Moors leading to becoming an investigator into the phenomenon.
For many tears he was head of investigations for Quest International, which
became UFO Magazine (UK) for which he produced many fine case studies &
Has given lectures in many countries including America, Iceland, Germany,
Holland, Denmark and many British Cities.
Specialised in Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Animal/Human mutilations and
interaction of aliens with certain military authorities.
Author of book,'Alien Investigator'.
Two police officers in UK
encounter UFO
(Tony Dodd's sighting)
Date:December 12, 1978
Location:Skipton, North
Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
Summary: At 4:30 a.m., a
lonely police patrol car was
driving on a remote country
road along the Cononley
Moor. In the car were Sgt.
Anthony Dodd and Constable
Alan Dale. They saw a bright
white light that seemed to be
diving towards them in a glide.
a big shining disc which flew
over their heads at a speed of
about 40 mph. At its closest, it
was hardly 100 feet away
from them, so that they could
see a number of details. "It
was a huge thing, about 100
feet in diameter, and it made
no noise whatsoever."
Tony (left) with Colin Andrews and Bob Dean at the Quest International Conference
in Leeds, England - 1992.
Tony's famous UFO case below
Artists impression of what the police officers
witnessed. Credit: Tony Dodd Zone
Sketch of UFO seen by Police Officers.
Credit: Michael Hesemann
Following this sad posting, I received an e-mail from Ray, a man who witnessed a strange craft around the same time as Tony - Read his story in Letters dated March 30th 2009.
On hearing of Tony's passing, David Cayton a mutual friend of Tony and mine,
By sincere thanks to David Cayton