Our true history and our future is hidden in
secret 'Metal Books'.
By Colin Andrews
April 23 2010.
Something strange happened to me during the early 1990s which I have reason to believe was

I was in a passenger aircraft flying from London Heathrow airport to JFK in New York. I was on my
way to visit my then to be wife Synthia, who lived then with her parents in Branford, Connecticut.

It was a normal uneventful flight but I was relieved to hear the pilot come on the intercom telling us
to secure our seat belts and that we were starting our descent into the New York area.

I heard the engines reduced power as he started to reduce height.  With this the strange
inexplicable thing happened.  The name
Alexander appeared in front of my eyes.  In reality, if one
can use such a term, it was visible in my head.  Like watching my own personal video clip the last
two letters of
Alexander began shimmering and they faded away to be replaced with letters ria
making the word
Alexandria.  The new name Alexandria remained for a few seconds and again
the process repeated and
Alexandria was replaced with Alexander.  This is how it went on for what
seemed like a few minutes. I sat there questioning what in the world had just happened. I knew I
was not day dreaming and that this was not a function of imagination - it was real but I had nothing
to reference it too.

When I reached Connecticut and was greeted by Synthia I had immediately to blurt out what had
happened in the aircraft.

The following morning after a sound sleep, Synthia was grabbing two coffee's while I took a
shower and again the same odd personal movie clip took place. It was exactly as the day before
and yet again the following day while walking with Synthia along side The Green in downtown
Branford a sudden break through with those two words:
Alexander, Alexandria.

Since then Ive kept alert for these names to show up in my research or when I meet people.  It
simply felt like I was being given important information or was in some way being prepared or
biased towards future events which would not be missed because of this priming.

It is important to add that I was due to make a presentation in
Alexandria, Washington D.C.
around that time which unknown at that time was attended by a large number of government
intelligence agents. Before I made this presentation and a few hours after the third experience
while walking in the streets of Branford, Synthia's parents received no less than three telephone
calls for me from mediums (two of whom I knew personally) warning me that they too had received
the word
Alexandria associated with my name and felt some threat towards me.  I took this to
mean that I should be careful during my presentation. The details surrounding what happened at
my presentation is a story for another day -  but to continue...

My wife Synthia and I are great believers in meditation.  The practise has not just been healing, its
been informative and sometimes mind blowing.  After many years of wondering what the
Alexander/ria experiences were all about and by meditating and researching I have come to the
conclusion that the answers to my long time research are to be found in hidden secret books. Ive
been studying apart from other things, crop circles and human consciousness, also UFOs and
have come to understand that humanity is having a kind of conversation with itself and a high
level guide (some might call this an angel/God or ET)and that this process is known about in
detail. Answers to who we are and how we arrived and where we can go is imprinted in metal
(lead) books. I believe that these were once located in the ancient and amazing library of
Alexandria which was planned by Alexander the Great.

It is my belief that a series of important 'Metal Books' are hidden from us and distributed in various
places around the world.  
The reasons for the secrecy is because we are living a false
reality that we have been lied into and enslaved by an elite who established and
controlled the social architecture many years ago. It benefits the same blood lines to
keep it that way and they along with enormous institutions would crumble if the truth
was ever known. But those truths ARE COMING.

I am not saying the following examples of these engineered lies are accurate but they might be:
To learn that much of religion is a nonsense and that extraterrestrial genetic engineering started
our existence and that it continues to this day to us and our animals etc...  All of these are
possibilities and I get a very real sense the times we are transiting now could reveal the true
foundation of life and hence our future. This will initially be ugly and create temporary chaos until
new anchors for society are found based upon the power of our minds and our new found
abilities. These found in crystal clear form in books made out of lead.

I will hazard a guess that a series of important 'Metal Books' exist in the depths of the Vatican,
caves in Ecuador and Jordon and various other parts of the world. I could believe that some are
held in a building in Alexandria, near Arlington and the Pentagon in the United States.  
   The Quest For The Metal Library
                                         Philip Coppens

A system of tunnels and caves beneath Ecuador and Peru is reputed to hold an ancient treasure-
house of artefacts including two libraries, one containing inscribed metal books and the other
storing tablets of crystal.

It's not what you know, but who you know. In 1973, Erich von Däniken, at the height of his fame
following the success of Chariots of the Gods?, claimed that he had entered into a gigantic
subterranean tunnel system in Ecuador, which he was told spanned the length of the continent—
surely evidence that our ancestors were highly advanced, if not extraterrestrial? The structure
was believed to house a library in which books were made out of metal—this in an area where
today there is nothing but "primitive" Indian tribes with no written language. Evidence of a lost
civilisation? It was a major claim, and it did not go unchallenged.
The story centred around Janos "Juan" Moricz, an aristocratic Argentinian-Hungarian
entrepreneur who claimed that he had discovered a series of tunnels in Ecuador that contained a
"Metal Library". In a signed affidavit dated 8 July 1969, he spoke about his meeting with the
Ecuadorian president, where he received a concession that allowed him total control over this
discovery—provided he could produce photographic evidence and an independent witness that
corroborated the discovery of the underground network. Newspapers reported on the expedition
that Moricz had organised.

In 1972, Moricz met with von Däniken and took him to a secret side-entrance through which they
could enter into a large hall within the labyrinth. Apparently von Däniken never got to see the
library itself, just the tunnel system. Von Däniken included the event in his book The Gold of the
"The passages all form perfect right angles. Sometimes they are narrow, sometimes wide. The
walls are smooth and often seem to be polished. The ceilings are flat and at times look as if they
were covered with a kind of glaze… My doubts about the existence of the underground tunnels
vanished as if by magic and I felt tremendously happy. Moricz said that passages like those
through which we were going extended for hundreds of miles under the soil of Ecuador and Peru."

However, one of the world's potentially biggest discoveries soon turned sour. Journalists from the
German publications Der Spiegel and Stern interviewed Moricz, who now denied ever having been
in the cave with von Däniken. It undermined von Däniken's credibility (though some would argue
he had none to begin with), branding him a liar.

For many, the incident proved that von Däniken was a fabricator of lies—a much more damaging
assertion than being known to make outlandish claims that the gods were ancient astronauts. No
one pointed out that if von Däniken had been lying, he would not have left such an easy trail to
Moricz. He could have claimed that he could not reveal his source, and Der Spiegel and Stern
would have been none the wiser. Instead, it seemed that something was amiss with Moricz, who
had landed von Däniken in an international controversy from which his career never really

There are several oddities with this story. First, Moricz merely denied having taken von Däniken
there; the existence of the network itself he did not deny. In Der Spiegel, 19 March 1973, we can
Der Spiegel: "How did you discover the [metal] library?"
Moricz: "Somebody took me there."
Der Spiegel: "Who was this guide?"
Moricz: "I can't tell you."
Moricz further stated that the library was guarded by a tribe.

So, in short, Moricz claimed to von Däniken that he had discovered caves, and he showed these
to him. Now he claimed to have seen the caves, led there by a guide whom he could not identify,
but denied having taken von Däniken there.

The logical conclusion seemed to be that Moricz had shown something to von Däniken, was now
caught by the fact that everyone seemed to know that he had done so, and had to make sure that
whoever had shown him did not bear any grudges against Moricz, no doubt because Moricz
himself would most likely have been asked not to show anyone else the site.

A small step for Armstrong, a major step for mankind

By 1975, the story had killed the career of one notorious author, so who would dare to tread in his
footsteps? The answer: Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon—or rather, a Scotsman who
wanted to change the precarious status quo in which the Metal Library controversy had found

Stanley ("Stan") Hall had read von Däniken's book and subsequently befriended Moricz. The latter
confirmed that he had met von Däniken in 1972 and had taken the Swiss author from Guayaquil to
Cuenca, where they met Padre Carlos Crespi and saw his collection of enigmatic artefacts. There
was insufficient time to take von Däniken to the "true location", so instead they decided to show
him a small cave some 30 minutes from Cuenca, claiming it connected to the network. This
seemed to clear up the von Däniken–Moricz controversy, but not the Metal Library itself.

Where was it? Moricz's 1969 expedition had ventured into the Cueva de los Tayos, which Moricz
identified as the cave that led into the Metal Library. But in 1969, no Metal Library had been
uncovered. So Hall decided to organise an Ecuadorian–British expedition that would explore the
Cueva de los Tayos; it would be a purely scientific expedition.

I had met Stan Hall a few times over the course of a decade, without knowing that the person I was
speaking to was Stan Hall. He was a member of the audience at the Scottish Saunière Society
conferences. Stan blends into the background and is unlikely, if not unwilling, to stand out. It's by
pure accident that I found out I knew Stan Hall—the Stan Hall, who furthermore lives nearby… It
provided me with an opportunity to get a personal perspective on this story, and one I was willing
to take with both hands.

Originally set up to take place in 1977, the 1976 expedition occurred at a time when von Däniken's
public profile had been damaged by Moricz—and Hall was apparently about to endorse Moricz's
claim. It left von Däniken feeling wary about Hall for more than 20 years, until both men realised
they were kindred spirits rather than mortal enemies.

Why did he do it? Hall wanted to create a framework: if there was indeed a Metal Library of a lost
civilisation, the first step would be to map the site. That was the main and only goal of the
expedition; there was no treasure-seeking. Hall used his professional expertise to create a three-
week exploration of this famous cave: a joint venture of the British and Ecuadorian armies,
supported by a team of geologists, botanists and other specialists.

How did Neil Armstrong get involved? "The expedition needed an honorary figurehead," Stan Hall
said. "The name of Prince Charles, who had recently received a degree in archaeology, was
proposed, but I knew Neil Armstrong had Scottish connections. My mother was an Armstrong and
via another Armstrong in Langholm, where Neil Armstrong had been made an honorary citizen, I
made contact. Months later, I got a reply that Neil Armstrong was more than willing to join us on
this mission. It's when the expedition suddenly became a life's challenge."

On 3 August 1976, when the expedition was winding down, Armstrong entered the tunnel system.
Even though they were not looking for it, the team members did not stumble upon a Metal Library.
Had they done so, the discovery would have altered mankind's perspective on our history and
origins. For Amstrong, it could have been his second great contribution to mankind's exploration.
However, the team did catalogue 400 new plant species as well as a burial chamber inside the
cave, in which a seated body was found. The chamber was later dated to 1500 BC, and it was
believed that at the time of the summer solstice the sun illuminated this tomb.

The story had gone from ancient astronauts to astronaut par excellence, but what would be the
next step?

The third man

Everyone and everything had revolved around Juan Moricz, but in retrospect he was the wrong
centre of the universe. From 1969 until 1991, the year he died, the Metal Library eluded him. So
what next?

That Moricz was not the originator of the story was clear, as von Däniken himself noted on page
53 of his book. In the 1973 interview with Der Spiegel, Moricz confirmed that an unnamed person
had shown him the cave. But who was this person?

After Moricz died, Hall decided to track down this "third man", who had disappeared into the
shadows. Hall had a name—Petronio Jaramillo—but nothing more.

"Moricz died in February 1991," said Hall. "I had a name and a telephone directory. But there were
an awful lot of Jaramillos in Quito. Finally, I found him—or, rather, his mother. It was September
1991 when she gave me the phone number of her son. I phoned him. He told me that it had taken
16 years before our paths crossed. He was willing to meet me, and stated that he needed three
days to fill me in."

Jaramillo confirmed that when Moricz arrived in Guayaquil in 1964, he teamed up with lawyer Dr
Gerardo Peña Matheus. Moricz told Matheus of his theory about how Hungarian people have been
at the root of practically every civilisation. Through acquaintances, Andres Fernandez-Salvador
Zaldumbide and Alfredo Moebius, Moricz met Jaramillo in Moebius's house, and from there Moricz
ran with Jaramillo's story. Hall was annoyed with himself, for various people had tried to direct him
towards Jaramillo as early as 1975, but it took until 1991 before the two met.

Jaramillo and Hall realised that had it not been for Moricz, who focused attention on the Cueva de
los Tayos (which was not the actual location of the library), the 1976 expedition could have
resulted in the discovery of the century—and what a track record for Armstrong it would have
been! But it's a two-edge sword because, had it not been for Moricz, the story would never have
come about like this. And today, Hall's biggest desire—if he were able to turn back time—is to sit
down at one table with both Moricz and Jaramillo. At the same time, he realises that Moricz had
been intent from the beginning that the Metal Library would be his legacy. When Hall showed
Moricz a manuscript about the 1976 expedition, Moricz point-blank refused to return it. It ended
their friendship, but Hall never understood why until 1991, when he realised that the manuscript
mentioned Jaramillo. It was a name Moricz did not want to see published—as he had confirmed in
the 1973 German newspaper interview. Moricz was incredibly stubborn and, equally, incredibly
loyal, but obviously was the wrong man and was sadly mistaken if he thought he could ever pull off
the discovery of the century.

Subterranean treasures

Jaramillo and Hall became friends, though both agreed Jaramillo would not prematurely reveal the
location of the site. Still, he was willing to talk in detail about its contents and any other aspect Hall
wanted to discuss.

From Jaramillo, Hall was able to learn the true story of the Tayos library—which was not in the
Cueva de los Tayos at all! Jaramillo stated that he had entered the library in 1946, when he was
17 years old. He was shown it by an uncle, whose name has gone unrecorded but who was known
as "Blanquito Pelado" (a loving description of the man's appearance). He was apparently on
friendly terms with the local Shuar population, who invited him to see a secret in gratitude for the
kindness and goodness he had shown towards the tribe.

Jaramillo entered the system at least once after that. On that occasion, he saw a library consisting
of thousands of large, metal books stacked on shelves, each with an average weight of about 20
kilograms, each page impressed from one side with ideographs, geometric designs and written
inscriptions. There was a second library, consisting of small, hard, smooth, translucent—what
seemed to be crystal—tablets, grooved with parallel encrusted channels, stacked on sloping
shelves of trestled units covered in gold leaf. There were zoomorphic and human statues (some
on heavy column plinths), metal bars of different shapes, as well as sealed "doors"—possibly
tombs—covered in mixtures of coloured, semi-precious stones. There was a large sarcophagus,
sculpted from hard, translucent material, containing the gold-leafed skeleton of a large human
being. In short, an incredible treasure, stored away as if hidden in preparation for some upcoming

On one occasion, Jaramillo took down seven books from the shelves to study them, but their
weight prevented him from replacing them. It also meant that they were too heavy to remove from
the library and reveal to the world. Jaramillo never produced any physical evidence for his claims,
which may explain why he wanted to live in the shadows of this story.

Hall did ask him why he never took photographs. "He said that it would not prove anything." Other
discoveries, such as the infamous Burrows Cave in the United States, prove that seeing actually
isn't believing. Still, Jaramillo stated that he had left his initials in these seven books so that, if the
library were ever discovered, it could be proved that it was he who had entered it.

Expedition plans and setbacks

Jaramillo and Hall wanted to combine forces to see whether the Metal Library could be opened;
one knew the location, the other had a proven track record in organising proper expeditions. It
would be the "expedition of occupation".

First, contact with various ambassadors and politicians was established; then the scientific
community was brought in. The plan was for Jaramillo to lead the team to the site, where they
would remain for a period of three to four months (during the dry season), cataloguing the
contents of the site and guaranteeing that nothing went missing. Everything would remain in situ. A
report with recommendations would be the only outcome of this expedition, which would involve
UNESCO. But in 1995, Peruvian jets bombed an Ecuadorian military base and the project had its
first setback.

In 1997, Hall used a major anthropology conference to promote the idea. Six anthropologists came
to meet him, interested in what he was trying to accomplish. But that same year, Ecuador's political
regime changed (in Hall's opinion, for the worse); Hall felt that his family could not live in the new
political reality, so he moved back to Scotland with them. (Shortly afterwards, our paths would
cross anonymously). This was nevertheless not a setback; planning for the expedition continued.
However, it was in 1998 that the expedition had a major setback. Hall received by telephone the
sad news from the mother of Petronio Jaramillo that he had been assassinated. Was he murdered
because of the plans that were afoot? Life in South America is cheap, as anyone who has visited
or lived there knows. That day, Jaramillo was carrying a large amount of money on him. It was a
street robbery, close to his home. Random violence stopped one of the world's biggest discoveries
dead in its tracks.

It seems that fate only allowed for Jaramillo and Hall to meet, but never to work together—as if
their combined efforts would break the spell of the cave and turn a dream into a reality.

Location, location, location

Moricz and Jaramillo had both died. Hall was in his sixties. Would he go it alone and claim the
Metal Library for himself? Hall isn't a treasure-seeker. He emphasises that the region is a—if not
the—veritable El Dorado. There is gold everywhere; the roads are quite literally paved with it.
Even if the library books are made out of gold—though Jaramillo never spoke of gold but of
"metal" (in fact, it seems copper was an ingredient, as Jaramillo had seen a green colour on the
books)—there is more gold outside the library than inside. The presence of Moricz in the region
was because he held extensive gold concessions; his interest in the library was not for its
monetary value but for its historic importance.

Still, various treasure-hunters in the past had tried to open the cave. Count Pino Turolla made
contact with Jaramillo in the 1960s through the same channels that later brought Moricz to him.
Turolla was obsessed with Cayce's Hall of Records, and the Metal Library would be absolute proof
of Cayce's prophecies. But Turolla's attitude and sense of organisation meant that the two never
got along. Turolla pressed Jaramillo for details that the latter was unwilling to offer. So Turolla
opted to search around the Cueva de los Tayos and came up empty-handed.

The most active Indiana Jones today is Stan Grist, who also knew Juan Moricz as well as his
confidante, Zoltan Czellar, also a good friend of Hall. In 2005, Grist wrote: "As I write these words, I
am in negotiations with the native Shuars who live near the Cueva de los Tayos, whose permission
is necessary to enter and explore the area of the caves. I plan to mount an expedition in the
coming months to search for the secret entrance to the cave from which the alleged metallic library
can be accessed. Many people have entered the cave by the well-known, vertical entrance near
the top of the mountain. However, I calculate that it is nearly impossible or is impossible to reach
the metallic library through this well-known entrance. The secret entrance is only accessed from

I confronted Hall with Grist's opinion. "Jaramillo always said that the entrance was under the river,"
he said. But that river is not near the Tayos Cave. That river is the Pastaza River.

Though Hall never learned the location from Petronio Jaramillo himself, after Jaramillo's death in
May 1998 Hall organised a trip with Mario Petronio, Jaramillo's son, in which both combined their
knowledge about the site. The trip had to be abandoned before "point zero" could be reached.
In May 2000, Hall returned.

"When we were preparing the expedition in the 1990s, whenever diving equipment was discussed
as a necessity Petronio would say that even though it [the entrance to the cave] was under the
river, it did not mean we would get wet."

Hall showed me aerial maps, pointing out a bend in the river that meets a fault line, which is known
to open up into a cave system that runs for several miles. His suggestion is that the fault line—
evidence of an ancient earthquake—opened up the underground network, which someone at
some stage in the distant past then discovered and used as a place to install the metallic library.
Hall had visited this location and deduced that it fits Jaramillo's description perfectly.

The need for cooperation

So, what happened next? Hall was 64 years old when he last travelled to the region; now he is
seventy. When he was 68, he decided that more than likely he would not see this story come to its
conclusion. However, he does not consider it to be his story, and he does not want to make the
same mistake that Moricz did. So, on 17 January 2005, Hall informed the Ecuadorian government
of the location of the cave that fits Jaramillo's description, and which he hopes will become the
focus of an expedition.

For anyone who is interested, the location is at 77º 47' 34" west and 1º 56' 00" south. GoogleEarth
brings you very close and can satisfy any initial curiosity. But knowing the location doesn't mean it
will be easy finding it. Hall thinks it will take decades or a paradigm shift before people can work
together in a manner that will result in a successful "occupation". He argues that the 1976
expedition only succeeded because a military regime was in power; "a democratic bureaucracy will
swamp the expedition before it crosses any swampy river".

What is required is a sense of cooperation and openness. Too many people have tried to use the
library as evidence for their own theory, whether involving aliens, globe-conquering Hungarians or
Edgar Cayce and his Hall of Records. Perhaps that is why the missions were doomed. Perhaps we
should just let the library speak for itself. The answers to questions as to who built it, where they
came from, what they accomplished, etc. may all be found inside the structure itself. After all, it is a

Posted Article:
http://www.philipcoppens.com/metal_libr.html               My thanks to Dave Haith

This article appeared in Nexus Magazine 13. 4 (June-July 2006), World Explorers Club 4.5 (December 2006) and
Ancient American Volume 12, Issue 73 (June 2007). All photographs copyright of Stan Hall.
Neil Armstrong, inside the Tayos Cave, 1976
Stan Hall and Neil Armstrong during the 1976 Expedition.
Posted March 30, 2011