Best known for his research into the crop circles, UFO and Consciousness subjects since 1983.
He provides the only continuity between the past crop circle research era and the present, along
with his friend and colleague, Busty Taylor.  His long view of both the genuine phenomenon and
the human-made phenomenon provides unique insight into the subject. His research results
indicate the intelligence behind the phenomenon is interacting with both crop circle researchers
and many of the people who make them.

He has publicly stated since the late 1980’s that the phenomenon indicates a future period of
human chaos. The period indicated, supported by current trends, can be changed with human
awareness and he believes there are serious eco-political implications and that the future
direction of the planet is at the center of the phenomenon.   In the final analysis Andrews believes
the phenomenon is challenging people to a higher level of consciousness.  Some native elders
agree with Colin’s assessment which is supported by the 2012 Mayan Prophecy, which his latest
book, along with his wife, speaks:
'The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012'.  Colin’s thirty year
investigation continues with growing urgency for openness and honesty in government and
private research, respect for divergent opinions and co-operation between investigators in all
He is an accomplished photographer, who has been invited to show his photographs in art
galleries across
the United States, including the Philadelphia Art Museum and the Cortland
Jessup Art Gallery in Provincetown, Cape Cod. One spectacular photograph of
Princess Diana
Prince Charles on their honeymoon was presented to the Queen and to this day also
hangs in the Mayors Parlour at Romsey, England - the home town of Prince Charles uncle, Lord
Louis Mountbatten of Burma.

Colin Andrews is an
electrical engineer by profession, is the man who coined the term ‘Crop
Circle’. Among his many accomplishments: he started the first research organization, Circles
Phenomenon Research (CPR); designed
high-tech surveillance operations attempting to film a
circle being made; and advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet and Queen Elizabeth
on the mysterious phenomenon. He compiled the largest data base in the world on the subject.  
Colin has written numerous books including the classic
Circular Evidence (1989) with co-author
Pat Delgado, chosen by the Queen for her prestigious Summer Reading List. He is frequently
highlighted in documentaries on the subject and was a consultant with the Mel Gibson movie
Signs. His most recent book, co-written with Synthia is
'On the Edge of Reality' which was
preceded by
The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012 and The Complete Idiots Guide to the Akashic
also with his wife, Dr. Synthia Andrews. He is currently making his archives available to
the public in books such as
Government Circles, The Andrews Catalogue and The Assessment.  

He has spent 32 years making presentations at universities, schools and public venues as well
as participate in government meetings and brainstorming sessions.  He has been a consultant to
international institutes in several countries
For fifteen years Colin was a retained (volunteer) fireman
in the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service in his home
town of Andover, England.
He played soccer and represented Hampshire
County in several cup finals and continued to play
for several teams over a number of years. He lost
just one fight as a light heavy-weight boxer in the
Army Cadet Force.
Colin was engaged by Test Valley Borough Council in
1974, initially as head of their Electrical operations. He
went through a series of rapid promotions into middle
management, ending his career with government
service as a senior officer. Seen here saying goodbye to
the Mayor of the authority just before he resigned to take
up his research full-time in 1991.
Circular Evidence, 1989.  Co-authored with Pat Delgado, this was the first book ever written on
the subject.  It became an international best seller. It was also chosen by Queen Elizabeth for her
prestigious "Summer Reading List", the first time a book of this kind has ever been selected.

Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence , 1990, was also co-authored with Pat Delgado, this was the
popular update to
Circular Evidence and sold over 100,000 copies in Europe alone.

Crop Circles – Signs of Contact,  2003,  co-written with New York Times best selling author, Steve
Spignesi covering new aspects of the research. The book includes a full catalogue of crop
patterns recorded by Colin between 1983 and 2003, which has also been self published
separately and called
The Andrews Catalogue. May 2009 his book Government Circles was
published by Archive Publishing.
Undeniable Evidence- 1990, the first crop circle video ever
produced, which showed stunning aerial footage of the phenomenon, and links the mystery to
eco-political changes.

The Truth About Crop Circles – 1995: Live presentation filmed at Madison Square Garden, New

Andrews was consultant for the Mel Gibson’s
Disney block buster movie  Signs; and also Marcus
Thompson’s British movie
A Place to Stay which was shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002.

During 1991 he featured prominently in
Gateway to the Unknown, with producer Michael Graise
famed with Steven Spielberg for Poltergeist (1982), Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986) and
Marked for Death (1990).

Circular Evidence the Movie: Renegade Pictures. This movie is under contract and tells a story
based on the deeply moving experiences Colin has had while researching the mystery.  His
research has profoundly affected all aspects of his personal life and career, as well as deeply
impacting member’s of his family. Colin and his wife Dr. Synthia Andrews,  co-authored the new
book 'The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012 for  
Alpha books. It was published in various countries
in October 2008. A second book in the famous series was released in July 2010 called
Complete Idiots Guide to The Akashic Record.

Andrews has appeared on numerous well known television and radio programs around the world
including 60 Minutes, 20-20 with Barbara Walters, Good Morning America, Sightings, Unsolved
Mysteries with Robert Stack, Coast To Coast with Art Bell, George Noory and George Knapp,
Histories Mysteries, The Shirley Maclaine Show, Dan Aykroyd’s 'Out There', The Sally Jessy
Raphael Show, BBC's Daytime Live, The Ray Martin Show, National Geographic, Nippon TV’s
Thursday Special, The Gloria Hunniford Show, History v Hollywood, American Movie Classics with
Mel Gibson and M. Night Shyamalan, CNN Live Today, The Learning Channel's Looking for a
Sign, Discovery one hour special, CBS Gateway to the Unknown and many more.  He has
lectured extensively throughout the world to a wide range of audiences including the special
interest group 'U.N.S.R.C..'  at the United Nations, and The Hakui Museum Project in Japan.

"The Toby Award" from New Heaven New Earth for his 'honesty and perseverance’ in the face of
character assassination during his research of the Oliver's Castle video,.  The video showed a
crop circle being made by UFO’s and was claimed by many to be genuine.  Colin’s investigation
revealed it to be an elaborate hoax, intended to undermine the genuine crop circle mystery.

'EBE Film Award' for the movie "UFOs, Crop Formations and the Paranormal: The Secrets
Unfold as Time Runs Out
at the IUFOC Film Awards in 1995: Producer, Reg Presley, featuring
Colin Andrews, Reg Presley and Busty Taylor.

September, 2002  
The Maverick Award from the Bay Area UFO Congress for pioneering
scientific research into the Crop Circles.

The 2009 Paradigm Research Group
'Lifetime Achievement Award' - Hall of Fame Inductee,
presented in Washington D.C.

February 2012 at Scottsdale, Arizona,
' The Lifetime Achievement Award' by Open Minds TV at
the International UFO Congress, one of the largest of its kind in the world.

June, 2014: IMA Top Honers at the 13th Annual
Independent Music Awards for the Album 'Action
Moves People'
which features Colin's poem 'My Wish for Mother Earth'.

USA: BILLBOARD Top Ten Nationwide Compilations Albums - 2016 for his track 'Lost in the
Digital Age' on album 'Action Moves People United'.
Tracks and Presenters
Andrews coverage by International television and newspapers:
Presentations around the world: CLICK
Eartha Kitt, Pat Delgado, Colin Andrews and
Ed McBain with their best selling books,
London 1989.
Colin Andrews inspecting a crop circle 1989.

Colin and Synthia worked with The World Genesis Foundation in corporation with The United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -
To Support UNESCO Youth Project in

Colin enjoys photography and has exhibited his photographs in art galleries across the United
States. His photographs have appeared in numerous television programs, magazines,
newspapers, etc.   He uses his photography to highlight the importance of nature and the dire
need for preservation and conservation on our planet.

Synthia his wife, is the author of the book
 The Path of Energy The book continues to receive a
lot of interest and continues to sell. The book was published in June 2011 and has received
wonderful  endorsements by highly respected pioneers such as Astronaut
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr.
James Hurtak, Dr. Desiree Hurtak, Gregg Braden and Dannion Brinkley. The forward is written
by Barbara Marciniak.

She has since written
The Path of Emotions.

His latest completed project was the book 'On the Edge of Reality', co-authored with Synthia and
published by
New Page Books in August 2013. He considers this to be the most important
project he has ever undertaken in his research career.

Colin is currently collaborating with the writing of a new novel - details soon.

Another poem '
My wish for Mother Earth' appears on the first Album 'Action Moves People' - It
won the 13th Annual
Independent Music awards - IMA 2014. All proceeds from the sales of this
CD benefit the MOVE THIS WORLD charity which is a global nonprofit that uses creative
movement to address and transform conflict and violence in communities. In partnership with
schools, community-based organizations, families and corporations, MTW is building and
connecting more peaceful communities with over 10,000 individuals across 22 cities and 4

This was followed by another CD:
Angel Blessings, produced to benefit loving care for those in
Hospice organizations. Colin spoke two of the poems written by Cindy Paulos which he is
honored to have been accompanied by Grammy Award winning artists George Kahumoku Jr.
and Laura Sullivan (see left side panel).

Colin's position statement has been written as a poem called :
'Quiet Tim to Reassess Positive
Thinking' with backing by composer Joe Gooch. Listen.

The most recent project has been the writing and speaking
"Lost in the Digital Age' which is
track #6 on Album
'Action Moves People United' - 2016. The Album reached Billboard Top Ten
Nationwide. This Album features many well known artists, including Dan Aykroyd and Julian

As of November, 2017, Colin is accepting fewer public presentations, the last being the opening
of the Starworks USA International Conference in Laughlin, Nevada -
It's Time for Truth'
Government Official
One of Colin's favourite photographs, taken of
Princess Diana and Prince Charles arriving on
their honeymoon in Romsey, Hampshire,
Media Appearances
Presentations throughout the world
International Scientific Researcher into subjects from UFO'S, Consciousness  Meteorology
Crop Circles
Lifetime Achievement Award - Hall of Fame Inductee
Continued and Current Projects
Colin Andrews :  Website - Blog -

Dr. Synthia Andrews ND. Website.
Principal Websites and Blogs
Without prior knowledge of why he had been invited to Longleat Adventure Park
in England, he was lead to the center (red arrow) of the worlds longest maze
which is one and three quarters mile long, handed his copper dowsing rods and
asked to dowse his way to the exit (yellow arrow).  Without a single error his rods
took him directly via many twists and turns to the exit.  With just one bend to go,
he was told he was in the wrong place to test his confidence which he ignored
and continued directly as the rods lead him to the exit. Colin worked with elders
in the Australian outback and impressed them with his ability to confirm
traditional routes taken by the Aborigine peoples hundreds of years ago. He has
also successfully dowsed human involvement in crop circles, underground
utilities, lost items and earth energy lines etc..
One of many highly successful results of
his remote viewing skills was when he
identified a murderer in Washington DC
before the police knew who they were
looking for.

The murderer became known as the

Beltway sniper
, who randomly killed ten
people over a period of three weeks
during October 2002, creating near panic
along the I95 near the city. Apart from
those he shot and killed he also critically
injured three. On the night of October
14th, 2002 while watching reports on TV
of another shooting, Colin Remotely
Viewed a young black man, 17years old,
and sketched him near the edge of a
parking lot, some distant from the victim.  
When the police finally got their man,
Colin's Sketch closely resembled that of
the young 17 year old black man, Lee
Boyd Malvo.  The incident Colin accessed
was in the parking lot of Home Depot, in
Fairfax County, Virginia where FBI
intelligence analyst was shot dead as she
left the store - killed by Lee Boyd Malvo

(watch video above)
. Colin has interacted
with many of the best known Remote
Viewers in the world, and was invited to
participate in programs at the famous
Monroe Institute in the United States.
Experienced Dowser
Remote Viewer
Left: Colin Andrews, Antonio Huneeus and Edward Dames in
Dusseldorf, Germany where they spoke at an International Conference


To expose truths in Politics,
Government and Business /
Promote Environmental
Awareness and Education /
Illuminate the
Crop Circle & UFO
Phenomenon./ Investigate
onsciousness as an energy
field / Increase awareness about
the mistreatment of Animals and

Give our Children Hope.
The award ceremony
Achievement Award

Presented to
By Open Minds

Lifetime Dedication
and Contribution to the
Field of Ufology

World's Largest UFO
Congress, Scottsdale,
Arizona, USA
The Maverick Award - 2002

2002 Recipient of


for his liftetime achievement in pioneering scientific Crop Circle
and creating worldwide public awareness of the phenomenon.
- - -
September 14, 2002
Lifetime Achievement Award
Presented following the short movie above
Nancy Pelosi and Rosa L. DeLauro - Congress 2009.
Her Majesty Queen
Colin Andrews with Sir David Mitchell
M.P.(member of the British Government)  in a
crop circle.
Duke of Edinburgh: Fascinated with the crop
EBE Film Award - 1995
EBE Film Award 1995 - Reg Presley, Colin Andrews and Busty Taylor
I am honored to feature in the work of the professional Australian artist, former
regular weekly contributor in Australian and New Zealand newsprint Derek
James, who is now running his own website
The Broad View.  Copyright: The
Broad View 2012 by Derek James.  Visit his
new site as it develops.
Presented to:
Colin Andrews
For His  Outstanding
The Toby Award
The Award video introduction
Lifetime Achievement award
2009 PRG Lifetime Achievment Award
Hall of Fame Inductee - Colin Andrews
The Lifetime Achievement Award
The Maverick Award

2002 Recipient of


for his liftetime achievement
in pioneering scientific
Crop Circle research
and creating worldwide
public awareness of the
- - -
September 14, 2002
Presented to:
Colin Andrews
For His  Outstanding Research
The Toby Award
Research carried out by
Colin Andrews -  I support his
proposal for a new study into  
Human Consciousness,
Altered Mind-States and
Healing Effects of Crop Circles:
‘Project Mind Link’
to be
undertaken by him at the
Rocky Mountain Research
Institute, Boulder, CO, USA” -
Prof. Maurice Albertson,
The Peace Corps was founded
on Albertson's vision and

He has been credited with
changing the face of U.S.

He served as a consultant to
the World Bank, the United
Nations Development
Programme, USAID, UNESCO,
and other agencies.
The Lifetime Achievement Award

Colin's acceptance speech at the
International UFO Congress in the USA

HERE - Introduction Video
Statement by Renegade
Circular Evidence is a new
film under development at
Renegade Pictures. It is
based on the life of
legendary crop circle
investigator Colin Andrews
who wrote the best selling
book of the same name.  
Visit the
blog for the film.
Watch the new movie teaser

To work for truth in Politics,
Government and Business.

and Education.

Illuminate the truth in the

Circle & UFO
Phenomenon  and to
Consciousness as
an energy field.

Increase awareness about
mistreatment of Animals
and our 'Mother Earth' in
general and to ensure we ..

Give our Children Hope.
13th Annual Independent Music Award
for the Album 'Action Moves People' (2014)
Includes Colin's poem 'My Wish for Mother
"On behalf of Music Resource Group and our distinguished judging panelists, it is our pleasure to congratulate
you on winning top honors in the Spoken Word (with music accompaniment) Album category for Action Moves
People in The 13th annual Independent Music Awards.
As an IMA Winner, you join an incredible group of self-released and independent label talent from around the
world. It is an honor to have the opportunity to promote your music and art to a wider audience.
IMA Winner: top honors in the category Spoken Word (with music accompaniment)  Album Action
Moves People
in The 13th annual Independent Music Awards.
Recording the Independant Music Awards
top honers album
Action Moves People:
Grammy Award Winning Producer Kevin
Mackie, Producer Krista Wallhagen and
music composer Todd Secki
Grammy Award Winning Producer, Kevin
Mackie - Producer of the IMA Winning
'Action Moves People' at the 13th
Annual Awards.
All proceeds from the sales of this
CD benefit the MOVE THIS WORLD
charity which is a global nonprofit that
uses creative movement to address
and transform conflict and violence in
communities. In partnership with
schools, community-based
organizations, families and
corporations, MTW is building and
connecting more peaceful
communities with over 10,000
individuals across 22 cities and 4
Colin featured in and was chief consultant
for the British Movie 'A Place to Stay,
viewed at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002
Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews featured
prominently in the CBS movie, Gateway to
the Unknown, written and produced by
famed Michael Grais who is best known for
his movies with Steven Spielberg, also
Poltergeist (1982), Poltergeist II: The Other
Side (1986) and Marked for Death (1990).
Colin is actively involved in public education and awareness about climate change and
animal cruelty.
Poems on CD benefitting Hospice
organizations, written by Cindy
Paulos. 'If the Master Called and
'God Speaks to Us' are spoken by
Colin Andrews, accompanied by
Grammy Award Winning Artists
Laura Sullivan and George
Kahumoku Jr.
Sample listening and purchase
The synergistic musical poetry on
this album is performed by
distinguished visionaries and
artists. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Colin
Andrews, Dr. Paul Masters and
many other orators in combination
with Grammy® Award Winning,
Nominated and Participant
recipients such as George
Kahumoku Jr., Laura Sullivan,
Omar Akram, Kevin Mackie, Paul
Horn, Miss Amy, Judy Pancoast, Dr.
E Mike Vasilomanolakis, Alex Otey,
Bob Miles, Tim Gleeson, and
Emmy® Award recipients Tom
Vendetti, Giovanni, and
world-renowned award-winning
composers & singer/songwriters,
such as Rupam Sarmah, Ricky Kej,
Leonardo Le San, Nona Brown,
Grant Maloy-Smith and many others
have dedicated their efforts in this
project to upholding dignity and
Poems of inspiration for all ages.
Message of self understanding, self
and global oneness.

Sample listening and purchase
Quiet Time to Reassess Positive Thinking :By Colin Andrews- music by Joe
My wife and co-author,
Dr. Synthia Andrews, featured as a 2015
Worldclass Wellness Professional
by # Worldclass Magazine
Updated -Sept 25, 2020
2016 Album
Billboard Top Ten

Colin's Track #6:
"Lost in The Digital
Billboard Top Ten Nationwide
September, 2016.
Colin's track on this album.
Lost in the Digital Age
Dan Aykroyd
Enlighten Your Soul
Julian Lennon
Saltwater (Reggae
To purchase the Album -