Dedication to my dear friend and co-author,
Pat Delgado
Pat Delgado was one of the nicest and
most intelligent people I have ever met.
We first met in a crop circle, of course,
during 1985 and we became the best
of friends.

Pat, Busty and I trekked miles together
in fields wide and far doing research
into those first crop circles and later,
across England and the world making
presentations and signing copies of
our 1989 best selling book
Pat celebrated his 90th birthday
September 2008, with his lovely wife
Norah, his daughter Jan and grandson
Guy.  They took a cruise on the ship
Pat and I parted company in the fields
in 1991, after Doug Bower and Dave
Chorley claimed to have made the
crop circles.

This was the same week that I
resigned my whole time government
job to undertake the research full time.

We remained very good friends and
stayed in touch. Pat checked out some
sound readings for a recent article just
a few weeks ago.
The launch of 'Circular Evidence',
where else but in a crop circle near
Winchester, England.  Just yards away
from the circle in which we first met five
years earlier.
Pat and I leaving the 'Bloomsbury' publishers
in London 1989
When our first book made the top five
selling books in Great Britain, we were
invited to Literary Agents dinners like this
one in London.  Pat and I seen here with
two other best selling authors, Eartha Kitt
and Ed McBain.

Goodness knows why we look so dammed
miserable here! Not like us.  Pat had a
wicked sense of humor and laughter was
never far away.
Pat with myself and Timothy Good at
Operation 'White Crow' the first
surveillance operation, in 1989.
Pat and I watching the monitors at the
famous 'Operation Blackbird' in
Wiltshire, summer 1990.
Pat Delgado, Busty Taylor, myself
and Don Tuersley inspecting a
new crop circle in Hampshire,
England during 1989. Dr.
Terence Meaden, the missing
member of our original team, was
by this time feeling less
comfortable with the views we
expressed in public, i.e. that
something or someone knew what
it was doing in creating the circles
and simple designs.

Busty and I are the only
remaining from the group that are
still involved in the research.  It
has been this way for the last 17
Pat on one of the many TV programs we
took part in.
Pat being interviewed for a television
Pat leaving a beautiful field of Barley after inspecting several
patterns reported by the farmer at Whiteparish, Wiltshire. We
liked nothing better than making our way to the nearest pub
afterwards to share notes and sip a pint of beer together.
In those early days, we could not have
imagined that we would eventually
write several books about the circles,
appear on hundreds of television
shows, supply images to companies for
tee shirts, videos, CDs, DVDs, post
cards, jewelry and yes even beer.  "So
cheers Pat my good old mate on a full
and gifted life and thank you for all the
fun, expanding thoughts and for your
healing. I will miss you a lot.

23 May, 2009
Norah and Pat during their cruise in September 2008.  
There is no one who makes better tea and good old
fashioned cakes than Norah.  

Until just recent weeks Pat still walked the local golf
course near his Alresford home and was very active in
restoration of old vehicles and valve radios etc. He
was also a gifted and generous healer.

Many more stories to be told!
Thank you to Jan, for the continued friendship and for being my e-mail conduit to the
family back in England. Also for supplying me with this celebration photograph
(above) and finally along with Norah and Guy for your tireless efforts in these painful
last days.
Pat was contracted to N.A.S.A. and was involved with
'Mariner' at Woomera in Australia, as well as
other spacecraft to the Moon and Venus.

He was my co-author of the first book ever written
about the crop circles,
Circular Evidence.
Photo the copyright of The Daily Telegraph, U.K. 1989
Posted Noon 23 May 2009.
             Colin Andrews

Pat Delgado, famous for being the person who started serious research into what
became known as crop circles, passed away at 8.30 AM (U.K.) today in Winchester
Hospital, Hampshire, England.

Pat was a very young 90 years of age, when cancer struck and took a very rapid
toll in recent weeks.

He was a compassionate sensitive human being, an excellent engineer and
reputable healer. He was a dear friend and my co-author who was largely
responsible for one of the happiest periods of my life.

I send my deepest and most sincere condolences to Norah his Wife, Jan his
Daughter and Guy his Grandson, who showed such love and caring and did all
they could in such distressing circumstances. My love to you all.

Pat Delgado working on the Mariner Project at the N.A.S.A. Deep Space Network Station.
1918 - 2009
Another chapter in the crop circle
mystery has closed with the
passing of Pat Delgado on
Saturday  23 May 2009.
From: Busty Taylor

Pat was a very enthusiastic person who
always got stuck into a mystery and
would not let it go until he had an answer
to the questions that he thought off while
investigating the mystery. I can
remember him saying, "The world loves a
mystery that cannot be answered". We
spent so many years out there looking
into circles with the help of the farmers in
the 80s,  Pat , Colin, Don, Terence,  
myself would spend all day from 7.00 in
the morning until 8.00 at night at the
weekends and in all weathers trying to
find answers the crop circle mystery.

At the end of the day we would stop at
one of the local pups to have something
to eat and chat over a pint of beer about
the things that we had found and seen
that day out there in the fields. Strange
noises, cameras stopped working or
photographs with marks on them from
the previous weekend sortie.  Yes these
were all good times together.

I send my most sincere condolences to
Norah his Wife, Jan his daughter and
Guy his Grandson.

Busty Taylor.
This lovely photograph was taken by Jan and was the
last taken in March 2009.
I was deeply saddened to learn
today of Pat Delgado's passing.
From Peter Davenport


I am left with the fondest recollections
of the man, and of his generous
contribution to our understanding of
the crop formation phenomenon.  I
enjoyed what I felt was his measured
approach to the subject, and I very
much liked his “old school” style, which
I felt shone through during his media
presentations.  We all will miss his
presence among us, and it is my
sincere hope that he has been treated
to a heavenly explanation of what it is
we are dealing with, in our pursuit for
an understanding of the crop formation

Please convey my condolences to his
family, when you are next in touch with
them, and please let them know how
many of us held him in such high

Peter (Davenport)
National UFO Reporting Center
For funeral arrangements
please see below.
Funeral Service Details

The funeral service will be held at 2.45pm at Basingstoke (North Waltham)
Crematorium on Tuesday 2nd June and research friends and members of the
public who knew Pat will be most welcome.  Family flowers only.  If anyone wishes to
make a donation it will be for
Cancer Research UK and can be sent c/o Richard
Steel and Partners, 12-14 City Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8SG, England.

There will be a gathering at Alresford Golf Club where Pat was a member and will
be for all friends and family who would like to come.
Newspaper Reports
(Click logos)
Pat served in the British armed forces during world war two and was one
who made it out of the evacuation of Dunkirk after enduring the horrors
of war.
Read more below in the Eulogy.
Click for the service and Eulogy
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Soon after sunrise today, Pat left us for a more peaceful place.
23rd May, 2009