2012 - Earth Changes - Updates: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami - Nuclear Alert

DAILY UPDATES - Bottom is most recent
Mar 11, 2011:
Death Toll to exceed 1,000
Nuclear Power Station - Escalating Concerns.
Mar 12, 2011:
Japan nuclear alert and earthquake - live coverage• Explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant
• Death toll said to be more than 1,700
• Up to 10,000 people in one town are missing
• 215,000 people are in emergency shelters
• Around 50,000 rescuers have been deployed - link to source.
Mar 13, 2011
200,000 evacuated from area of two nuclear reactors that are thought to be possibly undergoing meltdown.
Weather forecast is for the wind to begin Tuesday to blow inland towards high population centers from the effected areas.
Death toll as of today is over 10,000. One town alone is said to be wiped clean of all its buildings and 9,500 population
missing. Estimates are that there could be hundreds of thousands of deaths. It will be weeks before we know the extent of
this catastrophe.
10.0 pm US eastern: Four nuclear plants in northeastern Japan have reported damage, but the danger Monday appeared
to be greatest at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex, where one explosion occurred Saturday and a second was
feared. Operators have lost the ability to cool three reactors at Dai-ichi and three more at another nearby complex using
usual procedures, after the quake knocked out power and the tsunami swamped backup generators. Source.
March 14, 2011
Third explosion from Nuclear reactors - Many staff evacuate and containment vessel damaged: Situation critical - Source
March 15, 2011
ALERT: Japan braces for potential radiation catastrophe:
TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan faced a potential catastrophe on Tuesday after a quake-crippled nuclear power plant exploded
and sent low levels of radiation floating toward Tokyo, prompting some people to flee the capital and others to stock up
on essential supplies.
The crisis appeared to escalate late in the day when the operators of the facility said one of two blasts had blown a hole in
the building housing a reactor, which meant spent nuclear fuel was exposed to the atmosphere.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged people within 30 km (18 miles) of the facility -- a population of 140,000 -- to remain
indoors amid the world's most serious nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986.
Officials in Tokyo -- 240 km (150 miles) to the south of the plant -- said radiation in the capital was 10 times normal by
evening but posed no threat to human health in the sprawling high-tech city of 13 million people.
Toxicologist Lee Tin-lap at the Chinese University of Hong Kong said such a radiation level was not an immediate threat
to people but the long-term consequences were unknown.
"You are still breathing this into your lungs, and there is passive absorption in the skin, eyes and mouth and we really do
not know what long-term impact that would have," Lee told Reuters by telephone. More HERE

Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactors. Japan in Crisis Latest Updates
2012 - Debate: Earth Changes around the globe, including the latest catastrophic Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan HERE.
The Urgency of the situation DISCLAIMER March 15, 2011
The urgency of the current International Crisis emanating from Japan is such that while I am unable to check all sources and data posted at this moment, I am posting them anyway where I believe they might be accurate and helpful. Learning from our past we know two things as certain, i.e. Big Commercial Interests will look after their interests first and Governments will look after those same interests and their political interests also first. That leaves us to have to be smart and take sensible steps to safe guard ourselves. This is certainly no time for lectures, scoring points or pointing fingers. We truly are all in this together. We all swim in the same goldfish bowl, drink the same water, breath the same air. The only differences are temporary, its only how long what happens in one place, reaches the next and ultimately the whole. That which we face today MUST be dealt with in full cooperation.
The advise and statements I am posting are provided hopefully to be helpful.
Thank you a million to the many around the world who visit my site and are sending useful data. I apologize if not all are responded to but be assured each email from the following button is read: CONTACT
March 15, 2011
New Chernobyl? Billions of lethal doses of radiation may arrive over North America in 2 weeks - Please
get prepared! Source
March 16, 2011
Panic begins to set in as radiation leakjs from one site which houses four reactors and two pools with
spent fuel rods and as of minutes ago, a warning to evacuate an area around a second plant south of
the biggest event (so far). Remote Viewing warned in total accuracy this terrible Quake, Tsunami and
Nuclear event. Latest updates HERE - Under construction PLEASE check back very soon.
Colin will make a special presentation this week in Stamford, Connecticut on events that lead to this day -
Thanks to Busty Taylor (England) Combating radiation poisoning tips: Chelating (detoxifying) excess ionizing radiation & destructive radioactivity from your body and treating radiation burns naturally. Source. Please note Colin Andrews disclaimer above.
Thanks to Dr. Melih Arici (USA) Incredible before and after satellite photos - Unbelievable HERE.
NORTH PACIFIC JET STREAM - FORECAST Thanks to Steve Balon (England) & Janet Trevisan (Malta)

In 2003 remote viewing warned in total accuracy of this terrible Quake, Tsunami and Nuclear event. Posted March 16, 2011
like Dr. Simeon Heins and indeed Ed Dames himself (see photo below), I have great respect for the subject. After
many years with the experience I am always in awe of the material and how it works:
VIDEO NOTE: In 2003 and 2004, Major Ed Dames announced on Japanese TV and US radio (Coast
to Coast AM) that a massive earthquake would strike Japan and a nuclear reactor would "break",
causing what he described to the host (Art Bell) as a "mini Chernobyl" or, at least, the worse nuclear
disaster since then. This video presents several clips from the stations where this RV prediction was
broadcast to millions of people. Major Dames' heart goes out to the Japanese people. It is truly
unfortunate that this prediction has come to pass.
The above with thanks to Steve Balon (England) and Rumor Mill News.
Those who have been aware of my work since the 80s will know that I have often referred to
the time approaching as 'Ten Seconds To Midnight' and this moment as 'The Cross Roads'.
Indeed when I was asked to speak at the United Nations along side Hopi Elders in the 90s, this
was the epicenter of the message.
Last month I posted a reminder on the New Postings dated February 3, 2011.
I would just like to add as we leave the old period of egos and positional jockeying that IT IS OF
I also strongly recommended you read Synthia and my book The Complete Idiots Guide to
2012. Now is the time of greatest value. From the Hopi Elders:
Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:46
"A Message from the Hopi Elders"
"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
Here are the things that must be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know our garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle
of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personal. Least of
all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!"
- Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation
Take a look at The Hopi: Red Road or Black Road. Also Colin's time with elder Thomas
Banyaca before they both appeared at The United Nations HERE

'The Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying
because of it."
Left: Colin Andrews, Antonio Huneeus and Edward Dames in
Dusseldorf, Germany where they spoke at an International Conference
Click book to order
I would like to thank visitors around the globe for helping to locate the best sources of information in this developing International crisis Thank you. Colin Andrews CONTACT
I would like to thank visitors around the globe for helping to locate the best sources of information in this developing International crisis Thank you. Colin Andrews CONTACT
March 18, 2011
Radiation reaches United States - very small levels. HERE
Japan Nuclear Crisis Remains ‘Very Grave’ as Winds Shift. “On Sunday, a frontal system is crossing the
region with heavy rain,” Austria’s Meteorological and Geophysics Center said in a statement. “Behind the
front, northerly winds are predicted, increasing the risk for the region around Tokyo.” HERE
March 19, 2011
The weather is forecast to blow in a very unfavourable direction Sunday the 20th (tomorrow). This has
to be the dreaded moment everyone feared, following the dreadful disintegration of the nuclear
reactors at the Fukushima power plant, a name we will remember now into history. The level of fall out
onto populated areas like Tokyo, the land, the food and the drinking water, depends obviously upon the
materials and radiation particles leaving the plant at that time. Materials already in the environment
WARNING JAPAN - WIND FROM EAST BLOWING INLAND IN 20 HOURS Posted: Saturday, March 19th at 10.0 am US Eastern/2300 hrs Japan

around the plant are also
relevant. Today Japanese officials
have announced that high levels
of radiation has been found in
milk, spinach and the drinking
water. (More details are awaited).
We should all send our deepest
prayers to the Japanese people
during this desperately difficult
time and to the forces that hold us
together as one to bring balance
and calm as soon as possible.
Below can be seen a super large
storm off the north eastern coast
of Japan which is deepening and
moving across the Pacific Ocean
towards the west coast of The
United States, where yesterday
passengers arriving on flights from
Tokyo were shown to have radio
active contamination on them (low
levels we are told).
Astronomers and Geologists alert
us this weekend to exceptional
pressures upon our planet today
and tomorrow which might create
other earth changes.
The closest pass of the moon in
19 years, extra high tides, full
moon and one expert speaks of
the animal kill offs in recent times
are indications of a pending large scale earthquake incident along the west coast of the USA. The expert
concerned has a rather good track record for forecasting Earthquakes HERE.
Super large storm off Japan deepening and moving towards US west coast.
The weather warning for Japan by The Weather Channel, using NOAA dispersion model - transmitted Saturday March 19, 2011
Radiation Levels inside Japan HERE Thanks to Rob Kirk (Australia)
Colin's message to friends in Japan HERE
March 25, 2011
Breach suspected at Japanese power plant as the death toll from the Earthquake and ensuing Tsunami
exceeds 10,000 with approximately 18,000 missing.
The Prime minister says "We can not yet be optimistic, the situation in the Nuclear accident is still very
grave and serious HERE.
Members of Japan Ground Self Defense Force unit place a coffin at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi-Matsushima, in Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan.
NUCLEAR ALERT JAPAN Radiation Concerns
March 28, 2011
Radiation from Japan reaches the United States. Important questions and answers for those in the USA:
March 28, 2011
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Association
Staff Report – in part.
For now, radioactivity in the environment, foodstuffs and water � including the sea - is a
matter of concern in the vicinity of the Fukushima plant and beyond. Current levels indicate a
need for further comprehensive monitoring.
Overall at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, the situation is still very serious.
FOOD: As far as food contamination is concerned, samples reported from 26 to 27 March in six
prefectures (Fukushima, Gunma, Ibaraki, Niigata, Tochigi and Yamagata) reported iodine-131 in
asparagus, cabbage, celery, chive, cucumber, eggplant, leek, mushrooms, parsley, tomato, spinach and
other leafy vegetables, strawberries and watermelon. One sample of hana wasabi taken on 24 March in
Fukushima prefecture was above the regulation values set by the Japanese authorities. Caesium-137 was
also measured above the regulation value in the same sample of hana wasabi, but in the remaining five
prefectures, caesium-137 was not detected or the results were below regulation values.
SEA WATER: New results from the marine monitoring stations 30 km off-shore were received for seawater
samples taken on 26 March. The levels decreased at most of the locations. For iodine-131 the
concentration results for four monitoring stations are between 6 to 18 becquerel per litre, and for caesium-
137 between �below limit of detection� and 16 becquerel per litre. The dose rates measured on the sea
surface remain relatively low between 0.04 and 0.1 microsievert per hour.
Samples collected on 26 March 330 metres east of the discharge point showed increasing concentrations.
There were found to be 74,000 becquerel per litre for iodine-131, 12,000 becquerel per litre for caesium-
137, and 12,000 becquerel per litre for caesium-134.
It is still too early to draw conclusions for expected concentrations in marine food, because the situation
can change rapidly. Modelling results show an initial north-eastern transport of liquid releases from the
damaged reactors.
--------- Continued
On 27 March, deposition of iodine-131 was detected in 9 prefectures, and deposition of cesium-137 in 4
prefectures. The highest values were observed in the prefecture of Tochigi with 320 becquerel per
square metre for iodine-131 and 73 becquerel per square metre for caesium-137. In the other prefectures
where deposition of iodine-131 was reported, on 27 March, the range was from 6.4 to 110 becquerel per
square metre. For caesium-137, the range was from 16 to 61 becquerel per square metre. In the
Shinjyuku district of Tokyo, the daily deposition of iodine-131 on 27 March was 100 becquerel per square
metre, while for caesium-137 it was 36 becquerel per square metre. No significant changes were reported
in the 45 prefectures in gamma dose rates compared to yesterday.
Two IAEA teams are currently monitoring radiation levels and radioactivity in the environment in Japan.
One team made gamma dose-rate measurements in the Tokyo and Chiba region at 3 locations. Gamma-
dose rates measured ranged from 0.08 to 0.13 microsievert per hour, which is within or slightly above the
background. The second team made additional measurements at distances of 30 to 46 km from the
Fukushima nuclear power plant. At these locations, the dose rates ranged from 0.5 to 3 microsievert per
hour. At the same locations, results of beta-gamma contamination measurements ranged from 0.02 to 0.3
Megabecquerel per square metre.
Source: http://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/tsunamiupdate01.html
The Current Death Toll from the Earthquake and Tsunami is 10,901 Dead (Some estimates say final
could exceed 20,000) and 17,649 are still missing.
Source: http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474979168923
March 29, 2011
Water from reactor found outside the plant - Most recent update. Good update from BBC - Asia HERE
March 31, 2011
TOKYO -- Officials with the company that operates Japan's tsunami-stricken nuclear plant say radioactive
contamination in groundwater underneath a reactor has been measured at 10,000 times the government
health standard.
Experts from French nuclear giant Areva, which supplied fuel to the plant, are helping figure out how to
dispose of the contaminated water that has begun leaking into the ground and the sea. "The amount of
water is enormous, and we need any wisdom available," said nuclear safety agency spokesman Hidehiko
Nishiyama. Full report and source HERE IAEA Reports today overall at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, the
situation remains very serious
March 31, 2011
Small quantities of radiation have been detected in United States milk – measured at Spokane, WA.
Excellent Analysis of the damaged Fukishima Nuclear Plant as of March 28, 2011
April 1, 2011
One Month Ago This Kind Of Accident Recovery Had Never Been Envisaged. Today: On The Edge
Of a Cliff – Can it be pulled back or Do we Fall Over? The Situation Through The Eyes Of An Expert
Below. (Thanks to Dave Smith - USA)
Also: Speaking tearfully through an interpreter by phone, the mother of a 32-year-old worker said:
“My son and his colleagues have discussed it at length and they have committed themselves to die if
necessary to save the nation. HERE
April 2, 2011
Today it is a newly discovered crack in a maintenance pit that is leaking highly radioactive water into
the sea. 165,000 are still living in shelters. HERE
Official Report from The IAEA (Can be found anytime on links above):
In a press release on the 2nd April NISA reported the following. Water with dose rate of greater than
1000 millisievert/hr was confirmed by TEPCO at around 00:30 UTC on 2nd April in a pit housing
cables located next to the Unit 2 sea water inlet point. There exists a crack on the sidewall of the pit,
about 20cm in length, and water inside the pit is confirmed to be leaking directly to the sea. The
isotopic analysis of water samples from inside the pit, the sea and near the seawater inlet bar screen
filter is in process. Currently a plan to patch the pit with concrete is underway to stop the leakage. An
investigation on the leakage path to this pit is on-going and measures to stop leakage to the sea will
be implemented.
Transfer of fresh water from a US Navy barge to the 'filtered water tank' started on 1 April 06:58 UTC,
and was suspended on 1 April 07:25 UTC due to a connection failure. A second US Navy barge left
Onahama port and planned to arrive 2 April 00:30 UTC. END.
April 2, 2011:
The levels reaching the United States from the Pacific Ocean are higher than stated? - well
documented and thoughtful site HERE.
April 4, 2011
Update figures of the Earthquake and Tsunami stands at 12,000 dead, 16,000 still missing
Highly radioactive water still flowing into the Pacific Ocean. Latest IAEA Report.
April 4, 2011 (Update)
Tokyo Electric Dumps Radioactive Water into Ocean
Last Option for Nuclear Power Plant Runoff
April 4, 2011
Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company has begun dumping 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the
Pacific Ocean in a last-ditch attempt to make room for even more highly radioactive runoff from the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The company started releasing the water – contaminated with radioactive iodine at 100 times the legal
limit – into the ocean at around 7:00 on Monday evening. One power company official grew emotional
at a press conference announcing the intent to start dumping the water as he apologized to the
Japanese people.
The embattled power company is trapped in a cycle that will only produce more and more radioactive
runoff until cooling systems at each of the Fukushima reactors are back online.
……………………. Experts say the radioactive runoff will be diluted enough by the Pacific Ocean that
it will not pose a threat to humans, but it is not yet known what impact the contamination is having on
marine life in the area. Elevated levels of iodine – measuring 4,385 times the legal limit -- were
already found near the plant late last week
Full Report: http://abcnews.go.com/International/tokyo-electric-dumps-radioactive-water-ocean/story?
Isotope Half Life
Iodine 131 (I-131) 8 days
Cesium 134
Cesium 137
Tellurium 132 10 days
Cesium 137 washing into Pacific Ocean will be in the Sea Life Food Chain for 300 Years
April 6, 2011
The huge questions remain for saftey around the nuclear plant and with many thousands of gallons of
radioactive water released into the Pacific Ocean - what now for sea life and the fish which are
consumed in such large quanities by the Japanese people - also the exports abroad? Select below for
full report.
April 6, 2011 Attempts to stop an atomic explosion
IAEA Official Statement:
Japanese authorities have informed the IAEA that TEPCO has been authorized to begin injection of
nitrogen into the primary containment vessel (PCV) of Unit 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power
plant. Injection of nitrogen is intended to displace oxygen inside the containment vessel, thereby
reducing a risk of explosion due to the combustible combination of hydrogen and oxygen.
IAEA Briefing on Fukushima Nuclear Accident (6 April 2011, 14:00 UTC)
On Wednesday, 6 April 2011, the IAEA provided the following information on the current status of
nuclear safety in Japan:
1. Current Situation
Overall, the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi plant remains very serious.
April 7, 2011
Another large Earthquake of 7.4 rattles the north east coastal region of Japan. HERE
April 7, 2011
Radiation dispersal models produced by NOAA HERE
April 8, 2011
The second large Earthquake, some call after-shock in weeks which struck off the coast of Japan
yesterday, took the power out from two additional nuclear power stations. Fortunately the back up
generators kicked in (this time) and allowed the cooling systems to keep the reactors cool. Several
people were killed, hundreds injured and power, gas and water supplies damaged by the previous
quake and repaired, were again damaged. More HERE
Select to view footage of the wave that changed Japan - you will never forget HERE

May 7, 2011
Japan utility delays decision on halting reactors
By MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press – Sat May 7, 8:50 am ET
TOKYO – A Japanese power company postponed its decision Saturday on a government request that
it halt three reactors at a coastal nuclear plant until safety measures can be improved to guard against
future earthquakes and tsunamis.
Shutting down the reactors would likely worsen power shortages expected this summer.
On Friday, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said he had asked Chubu Electric Power Co. to suspend
operation of the reactors at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station in Shizuoka prefecture until a seawall
is built and backup systems are improved. Though not legally binding, the request is a virtual order.
The government is reviewing the safety of the country's 54 atomic reactors since a March 11
earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in the north. The disaster left
more than 25,000 people dead or missing on the northeast coast.
The Hamaoka plant, which is about 125 miles (200 kilometers) west of Tokyo in an area where a major
quake is expected within decades, has been a major concern for years. Whole article HERE
Posted May 18, 2011
The media and even the IAEA have stepped back from reporting the radiation levels and the actual
level of the emergency which exists at the Fukashima plant. Reports about this HERE.
The terrible moments when the Japanese people watched their town and many of its peoples washed away. Film you will never forget. Posted May 18, 2011 - thanks to Busty Taylor
May 20, 2011
New images of how bad the situation was inside the Fukushima Nuclear Plant after the Tsunami struck: HERE
June 11, 2011
Radiation leaks far worse than we were told.
Greenpeace appeal to take care of the children.
Latest situation at Fukushima plants.
Mother asks for help from west to appeal to Japanese government to move children away. Situation critical.
Japan: Six Months After The Horrific Earthquake, Tsunami and the World's Most Serious Nuclear Disaster, The International Media Have Forgotten The Japanese People. This Disgrace is Compounded By A Powerful Nuclear Industry and a Compromised Political System Who Are Deliberately Trying To Keep This Tragedy Below The Horizon To Save Their Demise. By Colin Andrews
Here is an update thanks to my good friends Masahiro Kahata in New York and Ayumi Furuya in Japan.
Masahiro Kahata
November 11, 2011 Fukushima Day 102 - News Blackout & Censorship Begins as 1.6 Billion Bqs of Radiation Spews out of #2 Reactor. Link HERE
Subject: Radiation effects from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
Hi, Colin, thank you for concerning,
As of August 2011, the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is still leaking low levels of radiation and
areas surrounding it could remain uninhabitable for decades due to high radiation. It could take
“more than 20 years before residents could safely return to areas with current radiation readings of
200 millisieverts per year, and a decade for areas at 100 millisieverts per year”.[10]
The accidents were rated at level 7 rating on the International Nuclear Event Scale. The total amount
of iodine-131 and caesium-137 released into the atmosphere has been estimated to exceed 10%
of the emissions from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.[11][12] Frank N. von Hippel, a
U.S. scientist, has estimated that the release of radioactivity is about one-tenth that from the
Chernobyl disaster and the contaminated area is also about one-tenth that of Chernobyl; he also
estimates “on the order of 1,000” people will die from cancer as a result of their exposure to
radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi disaster.[13] However, other experts give lower estimates of
deaths due to radiation exposure and, given that the radiation exposure resulting from the accident
for most people living in Fukushima is very small compared to background radiation, it may be
impossible to find statistically significant evidence of increases in cancer.[14]
Good up to date links:
: Fukushima nuclear power plant radiation status, latest news.
Colin's Comments:
It is no surprise to most of the general public that the IAEA have withdrawn into a shell of silence
because of the damage this incident has done to its industry. That said, its mandate among other
things is to help promote sustainable development objectives in human health, water resource
management and visible global nuclear safety and security, using isotopic techniques. Their last
public update log on this incident was June 2, 2011.

From left: Ayumi Furuya, Masahiro Kahata and Synthia Andrews doing brainwave tests in a 1997 crop circle in England - Copyright: The Guardian Newspaper (UK).
Thanks to Tom Demeter
''in retaliation for Japan’s support of an independent Palestinian state''
By Richard Walker
A leading Japanese journalist recently made two incredible claims about the Fukushima power plant that
suffered a nuclear meltdown in March 2011, sending shockwaves around the world. First, the former
editor of a national newspaper in Japan says the U.S. and Israel knew Fukushima had weapons-grade
uranium and plutonium that were exposed to the atmosphere after a massive tsunami wave hit the reactor.
Second, he contends that Israeli intelligence sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for Japan’s support of an
independent Palestinian state.
According to Yoishi Shimatsu, a former editor of Japan Times Weekly, these nuclear materials were
shipped to the plant in 2007 on the orders of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, with the connivance of
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The shipment was in the form of warhead cores secretly removed from
the U.S. Nuclear warheads facility BWXT Plantex near Amarillo, Texas. While acting as the middleman,
Israel transported warheads from the port of Houston, and in the process kept the best ones while giving
the Japanese older warhead cores that had to be further enriched at Fukushima.
Shimatsu credits retired CIA agent and mercenary Roland Vincent Carnaby with learning the warheads
were being transported from Houston. In a strange twist, Carnaby was mysteriously shot dead less than a
year later by Houston police at a traffic stop. He was shot once in the back and once in the chest. He did
not have a weapon in his hands. Intelligence sources said he had been tracking a Mossad unit that was
smuggling U.S. Plutonium out of Houston docks for an Israeli nuclear reactor.
In an even more explosive charge, the journalist says that 20 minutes before the Fukushima plant’s
nuclear meltdown, Israel was so upset with Japanese support for a Palestinian declaration of statehood
that it double-crossed Japan by unleashing the Stuxnet virus on the plant’s computers. The virus
hampered the shutdown, leading to fallout from a section of the plant housing uranium and plutonium
retrieved from the warheads supplied in 2007.
While it is impossible to verify some of Shimatsu’s claims, there was a massive cover-up at the time of the
Fukushima disaster in March. Explosions at the site were immediately downplayed. While it was
subsequently reported that three reactors suffered meltdowns, Japanese authorities tried to rate the
disaster as a Level 4 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, although outside experts
declared it a 7, the highest level.
Something worth noting is how in 2009, two years after Shimatsu says the warheads were secretly moved
to Japan, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a veiled warning to Japan not to abandon
its anti-nuclear weapons policy.
The IAEA had to know, however, that Japan has long retained the potential to build nuclear weapons. That
was made clear as far back as 1996, when a leaked Ministry of Foreign Affairs document exposed how
Japan had been promoting a dual strategy with respect to nuclear weapons since the mid-1960s. It would
often publicly profess a non-nuclear policy while maintaining the ability to build a nuclear arsenal. The
Liberal Democratic Party, which has dominated Japanese politics, has always said there is no
constitutional impediment to nukes.
A factor that undoubtedly would have encouraged the Bush-Cheney White House to provide Japan with
the means to secretly build nukes was the growing power of China. Cheney and Bush sought to arm
Japan and India with nuclear weapons as a means of curbing China.

Ayumi Furuya
Latest estimates of the potential impact from an
earthquake off Japan's southern coast show
massive tsunami could be as high as 34 Mtrs
(112 feet) from a mag 9.0
TOKYO (AP) — Revised estimates of the potential impact from an earthquake
off Japan's southern coast show much of the country's Pacific shore could be
inundated by a tsunami more than 34 meters (112 feet) high.
A government-commissioned panel of experts says a tsunami unleashed by a
magnitude-9.0 earthquake in the Nankai trough, which runs east of Japan's
main island of Honshu to the southern island of Kyushu, could top 34 meters.
Source and whole article; http://news.yahoo.com/japan-experts-warn-future-
UPDATED: April 16, 2012 - Reactor #4 Could Create Global Catastrophe - Situation Still Critical - Another Quake Could Create The Un-thinkable
Another small Quake Could Turn this Critical Situation into a Global Catastrophe HERE
UPDATED July 13, 2013 - Grave concerns as radiation levels rocket in ground water and Pacific Ocean. Station manager who stayed to try and avert the meltdowns has died of Cancer - owners say not a result of his exposure!! Below
Wall Street Journal: Japan Warns of Ocean Contamination Regulator say groundwater is likely leaking from the plant into ocean waters. Posted July 13, 2013

and Reuters reports: TOKYO, July 10 | Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:29am EDT
(Reuters) - Japan's nuclear regulator expressed growing alarm on Wednesday at increased contamination
beside the seafront of the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station and urged the plant's operators
to take protective measures.
Fukushima's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., has acknowledged problems are mounting at the plant
north of Tokyo, the site of the world's worst atomic disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
On Tuesday, the company said radiation levels in groundwater had soared, suggesting highly toxic
materials from the plant were getting closer to the Pacific more than two years after three meltdowns
triggered by a massive earthquake and tsunami.
Shunichi Tanaka, head of the new Nuclear Regulation Authority, told reporters he believed contamination of
the sea had been continuing since the March 2011 catastrophe.
"I think contamination of the sea is continuing to a greater or lesser extent," Tanaka said. "It was
contaminated at the time of the accident, but I think it has been continuing for the last two years. Coming up
with countermeasures against all possible scenarios is a top priority."
The NRA "strongly suspected" radiation was contaminating the Pacific, Kyodo news agency said in an
earlier report from a weekly NRA commission meeting, citing Tanaka.
In the days after the tsunami, a plume of radiation from explosions fell over wide areas of the land and sea.
Toxic materials, such as caesium, were later found to have leaked through channels in the ground on the
side of the station by the sea, prompting expressions of concern from South Korea and China.
Additional data:
Dangerous leak reported at crippled plant: Highly radioactive groundwater recently
discovered in test wells at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is likely spreading at the site and leaking into
adjoining ocean waters, Japan's nuclear regulator said, raising worries about the plant operator's efforts to
clean up the disaster site. The tests by Tokyo Electric Power Co. 9501.TO -0.90% have found a recent
increase in radiation levels in wells meant to monitor water safety, with some radioactive levels around 200
times the allowed limits. Experts say the findings raise concerns of widening environmental damage but
pose no broader threats to health given the location of the plant on the oceanfront and the lack of any
residents living nearby. TEPCO said that samples taken from a test well on Tuesday showed the highest
levels they have so far recorded of cesium 134 and cesium 137. Both are considered health risks if
consumed since they can accumulate in muscles and contribute to higher rates of cancer. The irradiated
water is believed to be leaking from the heavily damaged cores at the three reactors that were operating
when a massive quake and tsunami struck the plant in March 2011, causing Japan's worst-ever nuclear
plant accident. In addition, runoff rainwater entering the plant site is flowing into heavily contaminated
areas, picking up nuclear debris. TEPCO says that it hasn't seen any evidence that the problem is
spreading beyond the plant, with no significant increase in radioactive levels at the 16 sampling points it
has in waters located just off the plant.
But the Nuclear Regulation Authority, created in September 2012 in the aftermath of the Fukushima
accident, believes the contamination is spreading. “We strongly suspect that high concentrations of
contaminated water are leaking to the ground, and spreading to the sea,” the agency said Wednesday.
Commenting on the report, agency chairman Shunichi Tanaka also expressed concerns about the reliability
of TEPCO's data. “We need to consider whether we should be relying only on data provided by TEPCO,
and check for ourselves the level of contamination in seawater," he said at a meeting releasing the report.
The new leaks are especially problematic for TEPCO since it is trying to show that it has learned the
lessons from the Fukushima accident and is seeking approval to resume operations at part of its
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in northwestern Japan, the world's largest in terms of capacity.
Health experts say that it is highly difficult to gauge the potential broader health impact from the leaks, and
stressed the importance of long-term monitoring that may need to go on for decades or longer.
“Underground water moves through layers and eventually goes to the sea. The process sometimes takes a
thousand years, during the time, it will be necessary to keep monitoring,” said Manabu Fukumoto, professor
of Tohoku University's Medical School who leads a study on the health effects in the nuclear accident-hit
area. “There won't be immediate impacts unless you go near the reactors. But for the longer term, radiation
could cause higher rates of cancer,’ said Minoru Takata, director of the Radiation Biology Center at Kyoto
University. –Wall Street Journal
And from Chinese report:
July 10, 2013 – TOKYO - The former boss of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, who stayed at his post to try
to tame runaway reactors after the 2011 tsunami, died of cancer yesterday, the operator said. Masao
Yoshida, 58, was at the power station on March 11, 2011, when waves swamped cooling systems and
sparked meltdowns that released plumes of radiation. Yoshida led the subsequent effort to get the crippled
complex under control, as workers battled frequent aftershocks to try to prevent the disaster worsening.
Government contingency plans revealed after the event showed how scientists feared a chain reaction if
Fukushima spiraled out of control, a scenario that could have meant evacuating Tokyo. Yoshida's selfless
work is contrasted in the public mind with the attitude of his employers, who seemed willing to abandon the
complex and are popularly believed to have shirked their responsibility. “He died of esophageal cancer at
11:32am today at a Tokyo hospital,” said a spokesman for plant operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO)
yesterday. Yoshida left the plant soon after being suddenly hospitalized in late November 2011. TEPCO
has said his cancer was unlikely to be linked to radiation exposure in the months after the disaster. The
company has said it would take at least five years and normally 10 years to develop this particular condition
if radiation exposure were to blame. Following surgery for cancer, Yoshida suffered a brain hemorrhage
and had another operation in July 2012, TEPCO said. Yoshida was still employed by TEPCO at the time of
his death. The disaster saw three reactors go into meltdown, spewing radiation into the air, sea and food
chain. No deaths have been directly attributed to the radiation released by the accident, but it has left large
areas of land uninhabitable. The plant itself remains fragile. TEPCO said yesterday radioactive substances
in groundwater have rocketed over the past three days and engineers did not know where the leak was
coming from. Scientists say decommissioning the plant could take 40 years. –China.org

"The views expressed by others are not necessarily shared by me personally but all views and perspectives are respected"
Nuclear Physicist grave warning: There is no way to stop Fukushima’s radioactive water going into Pacific — It will continue for at least 20-30 years
Full article HERE - Colin's comment: Where is the national media and the IAEA in this catastrophic and dire emergency? Where are they when it comes to serious and essential news and where are they when it comes to accountability and the whole question of the safety or lack of Nuclear Power?????
Important read HERE
Latest update: August 11, 2013: Directly below. Comments: Where is the media, the IAEA and the USA?????
"It will continue for at least 20-30 years"